Bee: cooperation with destiny by blending individual will with Infinite intent.
Dream Dictionary
The Seer:
The bumblebee symbolizes the need to align with the larger purpose of Infinite Intent through one-mindedness.
Blending our will with Divine Intent (a bee) refers to living our highest truth as guided by inspiration, on an individual level. Aligning our will on a larger scale with Divine Intent means that harmonious cooperation with the larger purpose takes place through one-mindedness. This is an alignment with the larger purpose of the currents of life.
The bee is the expression of Infinite Intent on an individual scale (like the artist using a small brush). The bumblebee expresses the more subtle trends or currents (like the artist using the big brush).
ᛞᚨᚠᛖ ᛈᛁᚾᛖ says
Wow… the timing 🙌🏼🏝
I literally had an intimate visit from (European honey) bees yesterday here at the beach / forest, where so far I haven’t seen even one. At the beginning of the day one was trying to get into my tent like it was trying to tell me something or access my water. About 6 or more later came to a damp spot in the sand after I showered and proceeded to have a drink from the wet sand, while one continued to stick to me, trying to land on each knee until she realised I was bone dry.
I also heard this week an indigenous woman’s story of how she went home as a teen to her mothers birth location which was in the middle of the desert; telling of how she got stuck out there for three days and remembered where and how to dig into the sand to get clean drinking water as she had seen them doing in some old black and white footage – the water table has restored herself over the decades.
I personally can’t tell if this means I am on the right track or if it’s a signal I’m drifting from it, but I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else right now and it’s all fascinating… thank you for this 🙏
Barbara Kathryn says
A solitary type of bumblebee lives each year next to our kitchen door. He has cleared himself a hole, I don’t know how deep, into the ancient lyme and sand mortar between the stones of our house. A delight to have him!
Dhani says
Thank you for this.
A bee flew into my work desk area and buzzed around my printer for a while and came onto my right hand for a while. Then it tried to get out and I took it outside.
Vanessa says
I am very delighted and Greatful to recieve the deeper symbolism of a bumblebee 💕 🐝
I was driving in my car in the country side enjoying the beauty looking forward to a swim, when a bumblebee just seemed to manifest out of thin air, it literally just appeared in the air in my car and no it didn’t fly in through the window…
Thankyou Almine and Rogier ♥
G says
That’s fun, Vanessa. I had one fly out of my lunchbox last week! It was interesting because a student caught it and put it outside. She had no fear of its sting 🙂