8/12 Self Wheels «Red Road Ceremony»
The downloads for the Red Road Ceremony (Saturday, August 12, 2023 @ 8 AM Pacific) are now available on our store 👉 click here. The ceremony will consist of enhanced versions of the Self Wheel protocols for self-knowledge and self-love. For maximum effect, both sets of 144 qualities should be internalized ahead of time. The ceremony recording will be available after the event.
- Update: we will start the YouTube stream on time, not half an hour earlier.
- These instructions may also be accessed via your ceremony download link.
- Event length: 96 minutes
This event combines, back-to-back, the two Self Wheels protocols. For the both the original Self Wheels Protocol (self-knowledge) and the Ceremony of Self-Appreciation (self-love), you’ll be laying down, with the stack a few inches below your feet. Refer to the diagram below for the stack components and sequence order for each.
During the live event, you’ve got two minutes after hearing the Self Wheels Protocol closing incantation (“Infinite Perfection Unfolds Through Me”) to expand the stack with the additional Self-Appreciation components. (These components are all to be found in the Self-Appreciation (Stack) PDF.)
Please recall that the Seer’s original introduction to the Ceremony of Self-Appreciation has been preserved. Therefore make the following mental notes to avoid confusion:
- Your stack must be assembled already, even though she provides instructions on its assembly.
- The Seer’s introduction does not mention the two powersigils that are atop your stack.
- You’ll be instructed to move the powersigils through prior to her introduction.
- We have traversed the then-upcoming stage of the White Light Reality already, but this realm always remains relevant in terms of the abilities developed there (akin to, for example, learning handwriting in kindergarten).
- The Powerwheel for the 8th Field of Perception (see below) used to be the Resurrection Merkaba, but this has been changed since.
Remember: you don’t need to visualize or “see” any of the wheels or sigils; just target lock each with your awareness, and intend it to enter and move through your body. If any quality feels “stuck”, it likely means it wasn’t sufficiently internalized, and you may want to do that for a future repeat of the protocol.
- Drink lots of water after the event.
- Check the related posts below for additional background.
✶Note: the original version of the Self-Appreciation Stack PDF had the incorrect title for the powerwheel.
Diana says
Will the download be available ?
Dhani says
Gratitude for this great and powerful ceremony to go THROUGH to the Red Road. 🥰😍🤩
Natallia Bahinskaya says
Благодарю Альмин и всех причастных за церемонию Красной Дороги)
Alex Murray says
Is this the first time all of the self wheels have been used on the Earth?
Rogier says
Alex Murray says
Thank you. 🙂
jana says
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for the Red Road Ceremony.
Ciara Young says
Thank you for yesterday Rogier! What webinar were some of the materials pulled from please? I’m looking for where we can find the protocol for the Astrology of the Hidden Planets referenced in the docs. Thank you.
Rogier says
The astrology protocol is a download for Transmissions From the Hidden Planets
Ciara says
Thanks Rogier! Is it available with the e-book do you mean? I have the printed version, but the links in all the physical books no longer work. How would one obtain access to this protocol?
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you for this Ceremony Rogier and Almine. It was powerful with all that attended at the same time.
Derrek says
In gratitude for the ceremony today. I was blessed by it. Thank you.
Nobody says
Thank you…..
Laurie J Hovland says
A powerful and beautiful ceremony–Gratitude to Almine and Rogier for their much appreciated work!
Anna says
Thank you so very much dearest Rogier.