Connective Tissue
I have lost all connective tissue in my one hip joint. What does this symbolize in my life?
The Seer:
It means you are excusing an inexcusable situation in how your life has unfolded.
Because of our deluded fear of abandonment, we excuse the non-life-enhancing qualities of others. We delude ourselves further by calling this deceit of self, enlightened. We tend to impute high motives to dysfunctionality where there are none. We see an excuse for the behavior of others in how wounded they are, never acknowledging that all have the perfection of the One Life as the reality of their being. To see the un-wholeness of another is to keep him on the treadmill of illusion. To accept the unacceptable is to disrespect the holy origins of our being as part of the One Life of incorruptibility. It also allows another to continue living an unexamined life.
Illumination 78✶
✶See: Irash Satva Yoga, or Illuminations of the Gods
Brilliant reminder! Thank you!
I’ve noticed in my work this theme has come up in really dramatic ways for so many Original Ones the last 2 years. Usually it’s in the context of a marriage situation where there are children or other complications involved, and potentially a partner who is very volatile in some way. I feel so deeply for these beautiful ones, because while they got into these situations when not fully awake to themselves, now that they are indeed awake, they’re having to go through the process of extricating themselves from an unacceptable dynamic without further destabilising things for everyone involved. Given how many times this has come up recently, I would imagine it’s a fairly significant issue for a lot of our Lightfamily.
Deep Gratitude for this Almine!
In addition, last week I accepted the unacceptable, words spoken from my esthetitian. I felt so disrespected. and also angry at myself for NOT having left, after the disrespect. I will listen to this Illumination over again. Infinte Gratitude to you Almine and team. Much Love & Respect.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Almine so much for sharing this Illumination,no. 78. Excusing the inexcusable. Wow, I am so grateful to hear this. Perfect Timing as always! I was wondering about how I can prevent this seemingly ‘genetic’ health issue that runs in the family. My mom has had her hip replaced and still suffers sadly. I am grateful to have this compssionate understanding regarding why. Infinate Gratitude : ))