How does one deal with regular criticism from others?
The Seer:
Regular criticism can wear one down, like water droplets wears down even the hardest stone. Step one, therefore, in dealing with it, is to protect yourself from its corrosive effects. When doing your daily light explosion protocol, include an additional step (this will also assist in protecting against slander and gossip):
- At the end of exploding all the successive colors around you – when you breathe out the shield of white, pearlescent light – say mentally, or out loud: I am invisible to ill intent, hostile criticism and any attempts to reduce or diminish me.
- If another’s unkind words are directed at you, envision them moving effortlessly right through you, like a bird flying through the sky.
- It is not possible for you to be a victim of another’s hurtful or diminishing intent, because you are the creator of the quality of your journey through life. Ask therefore what occlusion in your perception has called forth this situation in your life:
The destructive criticism from others is manifested in one’s life because of indulging the desire to be appreciated, or the desire to be understood. You are an incomprehensible miracle; a being as vast as the cosmos having a human experience. It is not possible for the limited perspective of mind to understand another.
ChuckErori says
В 1991 году был представлен суперкар [url=][/url] nsx, первый полностью алюминиевый монокок, где был установлен двигатель v6 со средним расположением мотора и системой изменения фаз газораспределения vtec.
Patrice says
I am experiencing these attacks currently. I’m implementing your advice right now. Thanks for this post…
Dhani says
Oh this is excellent! Gratitude!!
I also tend to hold up a mirror to the person coming at me. It works!
Vanessa says
Thankyou for this Almine, I needed to hear this 💕
Alexandra Murray says
You are an incomprehensible miracle; a being as vast as the cosmos having a “human” experience. – Sorry? I’m assuming that is a typo lol!
Alexandra Murray says
This was very helpful. And something that has been on my mind constantly for years as far as how to deal with this when working.
Lynette Ruest says
Hi Alexandra – I believe Almine has this many times over the years. It is not a typo.
Gio says
Joanne Harding says
I love this. Thank you xx Joanne 🌺
Sarah says
The desire to be understood, particularly with my choices, was a huge issue I struggled with before realizing I was different than the typical people and its still a theme that pops up often within the relationships between myself and both mine and my husbands families. This is why I manifested/manifest so much criticism… good to know, this is really very very helpful, thank you for this ❤️