Ever since sharing your prophecy regarding the digital blackout, etc. we’ve received various versions of the following question.✶ Namely, that if we can prevent the ‘digital blackout by solar flare’ scenario – by balancing the masculine and feminine within – whether we can also do so regarding the government-engineered blackout scenario?†
The Seer:
“Government-engineered” issues result from separate lessons waiting to be learnt. It arises from giving your self-sovereignty away; from viewing yourself as being at the mercy of external forces. Study and live the Self Wheel qualities to prevent this.‡
The pertinent daily aphorism:
My being is my sustenance. I create my reality by mastering my thoughts and my emotions.
The Seer
Regarding these external forces, it’s not just ‘being at the mercy of’, but also seeing oneself as dependent, right? For example, one student said that they were concerned about *having to* be microchipped in order to get their government pension. I suggested that perhaps the potential of a digital blackout is contingent upon the degree to which we voluntarily shift to interdependence and self-sufficiency, which – now that I think about it – is the opposite of seeing oneself as dependent on a government pension?
The Seer:
✶See: Digital Blackout, The Next Great Depression and A Very Tentative Timetable of Prophetic Events
†See: The Planet Needs to Have Its Fields Strengthened
‡See: Kaanish Belvaspata and The Self Wheels
§My Being is My Sustenance
But it is all of the conditions the let me say 99.6% of civilization has come under from our grocery chains and our electrical grids. We as in the majority of society have CHOSEN the illusion of comfort and become dependent on global corporations in the process. What is worse, is that our choices may not have the will or traction to help us adapt. We rest easier with the lie of energy independence through natural gas. We choose the unblemished apple with waxy pesticide instead of the splotchy worm riddled fruit. And the truth is probably that we have been rejecting ourselves because we cannot approve of the relative ugliness, compared with the illusion compared with the perceived ideal. And what about dear Barbara Piscitelli, she is extorted and given ultimatums and told she has no other choice but to choose her suitor.
This is exactly why I’m so passionate about supporting Ancient Ones to thrive through their own creative and spiritual gifts. From my perspective, it seems inaccurate that we’re truly “free” if we’re not creating our own realities in their entirety, meaning that we also no longer “have” to work for someone else just to sustain our material existence.
That’s assuming that the alternative path of living simply from the Earth without the need for anything else isn’t pursued, but even then most people first need to generate resources to create that.
I have for many years had a desire to stop playing with human money. I knew someone once who was quite the Patriot. He didn’t believe in paying taxes. While, I agreed with many of his principles. I found it flawed to play with corporate government money, and not play by the rules. Money is a belief system. A huge belief system. My being would really like to question this belief system. I feel the coming financial collapse has the potential to be one huge blessing.
As someone managing health issues that are preventing working or leaning more into self-sufficiency, for instance canning, gardening, or at this point even washing dishes or cooking, etc. how can I apply these principals to be of assistance rather than a hindrance? It’s not practical to rely on a miracle to pay the rent every month, and without family to help I’ve turned to social safety nets and programs for assistance. I sometimes wonder if my actions are detrimental to the group’s collective goal of becoming more self-sufficient.
I know in my heart that my path has much to do with healing, so much healing, and that by healing these things will naturally shift in the direction of autonomy and self-sufficiency. But in the meantime, is there something else that I can do to make my actions less burdensome to the whole? I feel like I’m missing a piece of the big picture because the more I actively try to be self-sufficient, or when I exert effort to work, the toll it takes on my body results in me becoming less autonomous.
Can the Self Wheels help with this? Thank you.
I know an original one who is an elder. She is more powerful than you could ever imagine. But, if you were just a look at her physical strength, you could easily underestimate her. While she is not physically able to do as much. Her wisdom and particularly her love for humanity has made them her ally. I believe her able to manifest all the support she needs for the coming times. I believe anything she needs or wishes humanity would help and support her with because they can sense her enduring love and support of them with her physical presence on this planet.
I don’t have a direct answer for you, I just wanted to share a somewhat relatable experience. A little while ago I was comparing myself to some others who seem to be able to not rely on additional electronics. I’ve got a mop vacuum (just as handy as it sounds) and 4 very messy children/toddler/baby. I was then feeling guilty about our purchase and that I should be able to function without it – especially being young myself, I felt like a complete failure. I spent a week thinking about this, but by the end of it I figured, I currently have health issues and am on the healing journey, I’m barely managing things as it is, I get very physically sick (to a point where I’m in bed unable to function) when I push myself to hard and I know that if I had to do it by hand, it’s more time, more physical labour, I’d be more sick, kids would be effected, our family would be effected. So I go, OKAY, well I don’t feel the best about this, BUT, what CAN I focus on right now? I can work on my healing, and the things I need to do in each day to provide for the family the best I can. I took my attention away from the guilt of the mop vacuum, and to what I can do given the circumstance. In all honesty sometimes trying to function like what is being recommended, does more damage, so I now try to keep it in perspective of “this would be optimal, but where am I in relation to this”. Maybe instead of focusing on “your burden to the whole”, maybe just focus on your healing and recovery, and then any opportunities that present themselves to you from there, you can navigate. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I just figure, all we can do is our best in each moment we can manage it, if it’s not enough 🤷♀️, that’s kinda where surrendered trust would come in I guess. Anyways, I just wanted to share relatable feelings and some love ❤️.
It’s not only healing but inspiring when others share the reality of what they’re going through. I personally believe this year people have stopped looking to be sold the fantasy and have started looking for the real. I personally believe if we can accept the reality of a situation; we have taken a huge step toward healing. I think a step beyond this is to not just accept, but to actually give gratitude. Even things in one’s life that one would like to be different, If I can accept them the way they are and truly give gratitude for them, they become transformed. Words that came to me… ” in gratitude, you will find your strength”.
4 very messy children/toddler/baby. I think a little compassion is in order. What a blessing to have manifested a mop vacuum! Grateful for the sharing.
❤️❤️❤️. I agree completely with the gratitude. I’ve been reminding myself this on a regular basis, anytime I have a sliver of fear that its not good enough, I just feel so much gratitude for being a part of it. Even if it seems like an absolute mess, I’m SO grateful for the mess. I’m so grateful for the people I get to navigate it with. I think gratitude is so important here and it really heals much discomfort. ❤️❤️❤️.
Thanks for this perspective, Derek. I had a chuckle at feeling blessed towards manifesting a helpful piece of electronic equipment! I count my blessings, no matter their form… a public assistance program? A blessing for my situation, for sure, even if it isn’t perfect. Disposable paper plates? And they are on sale?!? Alas, they are a blessing in my current situation as well. Something I had to work through to accept because of my strong intention to respect our planet.
And yes, gratitude of the real is a great way to shift those attitudes. Thank you for the suggestion.
Thank you, Sarah, for sharing what you have been experiencing. I can definitely relate to the cycle of trying to do things the highest way and then finding oneself in bed and unable to do much at all as a result, further reducing the ability to do things in the highest way, or much at all.
The wisdom you share about doing the best we can resonates with me. I don’t have children of my own but I often try to frame my situation as though I were a small child, such as: what would I do to take care of the child [me] in the best way possible? If the child is hungry, I would do anything that needed to be done to make sure that child had food to eat, and that might include an assistance program or something else that isn’t “self-sufficient”. I had neglectful parents and the concept of a child being nurtured is still something I am learning the basics of.
It sounds like a battery powered mop is something that gives you the ability to better be available to nurture yourself and your children. Maybe we share something similar in our journeys with working towards releasing the guilt of not being perfect in our actions and realizing that if everyone could be 100% perfectly self-sufficient at the drop of a hat, that there wouldn’t be a journey of learning and growth to be on.
Thank you again for sharing and adding to my perspective ❤️
I love the approach you use! I think its a really incredibly useful idea for self care! There is, if you haven’t already gotten it, a free power sigil on the almine diary, for childhood neglect, it might help in addition 😇❤️
I’ve noticed a similarly seious downside to applying for, and receiving, any form of state ‘benefits’ for more than a short-term boost between occasional difficulties. It is never mentioned, or I’ve missed it, but it can be seen psychically. That is the hooks and chains that pin down a person who is dependent on a government voracious for astral perhaps? energy to feed upon.
First the hooks are anchored in the aura, or perhaps the etheric body, when an eligible resident applies for some ‘benefit’. Then the chains are attacheted. And build up over the years.
At which point self-sufficiency is unlikely, due to defeatism and a clouded energy field.
Love the reminder of the Self Wheels! And the Merkaba of the Gods as well. I wonder if perhaps its tachyon energy field as it builds up with practice might also eventually dissolve the chains & hooks. Provided one lets go of the source of them…and I think it is not so easily achieved. Without some more wholesome source of help.
Yes! Shifting to self sufficiency is the order of the day. Make friends with farmers in your area. Take small steps for a sustainable lifestyle where you go to the farmer’s market to obtain groceries etc.