The Seer:
In the New Testament, in the Book of John (John 12. 29), it describes an interdimensional event that took place at the baptism of Christ, when a loud sound was heard. The interesting part of this experience was that a portion of the crowd of onlookers heard a loud thunder clap, while others heard a voice speaking (which they interpreted as the voice of “an Angel”).
Yesterday the sound of angelic trumpets shook the walls of my house, but it sounded like an abnormally loud thunderclap that had effects around the world and was heard by many.
This was the ushering in of a new cycle of experience. It signaled the end of a period in which feelings of guilt and blame and shame suffused many. In this new cycle of experience the main challenge will be to overcome feelings of regret over lost choices and missed opportunities.
Anna says
What causes us to feel regret over lost choices of missed opportunities, when we know there is no wrong choice? What causes that feeling of regret even if we know better in our hearts? It can be regret over the smallest things…like picking the wrong paint color etc. it makes one feel like we could’ve done better than we did.
It would bring great peace within to live without any regrets, is that possible?
It is the little things in life for me, not the big things, that may trigger a regret of a lost opportunity for a better outcome.
Miriam says
Well, it has certainly been a theme for me… Edith Piaf’s song Je Ne Regrette Rien came to my mind shortly after reading this post the other day, but I don’t know if it has made any difference.
Alex Murray says
If I may, it appears humanity has entered a cycle of self healing of age old limiting beliefs.
Derek says
No regrets or remorse!
Hunt says
This is both strange and interesting. Many weeks ago a good friend of mine told me that there would be a loud “boom” in the sky in a couple of weeks, and that things would then turn “crazy out there” because it was going to cause the cabal/illuminati/freemasons to become completely unstable as their crimes against innocents were brought to light, resulting in absolute and utter chaos – a cleansing of sorts. This is still the case where I live, as everybody is crazy. Not only that, but I was outside late one night, and all the hairs on my body bristled seconds before a bang so loud it sounded like a nuclear weapon being deployed resounded all around. Following the bang, only nanoseconds later, a piercing white light lit the night sky the likes of I have never seen before. Its interesting to note that the bang sounded BEFORE the light appeared. This happened on two consecutive nights, the first at 10PM, the second a little later on. Save for the woman who lives behind me – who turned on her back porch light for about a minute – NOBODY else around me was woken by it, and NOBODY went outdoors to check it out. You’d think a phenomenon that unusual would have been reported by the local weather channel or made the paper. But again, Nothing.
Again, this happened many weeks ago, but I feel its the exact same thing described in this post.
Christina Trevino says
This is interesting regarding the new cycle of experience. Personally, I cannot think of anything that I regret that was a loss, or missed opportunity. I have not felt this way in years. Does this mean the past will resurface, to bring those feelings online for us to transcend? Or will these feelings present themselves with future experiences in this new cycle?
Alex Murray says
I’ve always felt one of the reasons people have regrets is because of the heavy belief that they only get one life. The awareness of many lives left them eons ago and needs to be restored somehow.
Veira Renella says
Pondering the word regret..has the word Tree inside it..prompting me to draw my life tree and see where regret lingering on….Love you Almine..all the directions you have offered..Hope you are in wellbeing..
Veira Renella says
Exactly what I felt and heard within me at Wednesday 3 May…so many eons ..Feeling such deep Love / sadness at times and inner urges of all the lifetimes I have walked h
ere…and the Eons of times..Oh keeper of the millions of years ,grant me the wisdom , strenght of resolve when I am in low mindxxxsomething huge is stirring..anyone else percieving this?
Feeling behind,ahead and in the now..a future brings a past..a past shedding new jewels..alll dimensions merge at one point..which is within a
Dhani Nallainathan says
Very interesting…..choice here to forgo regrets.
Ailsa Mclean says
Thank you… So exciting, such magnificent news!!!