Due to a mistake on the part of customs staff, our passports have been seized and we have been unable to leave the country to make a business appointment we have scheduled overseas. Our immigration lawyer that we’ve hired seems to have been ineffectual in resolving the matter. Can you see if this will get resolved in time? We’ve been doing Kaanish Belvaspata for this matter daily, as recommended by you.
The Seer:
I have not once seen an incident where doing daily Kaanish Belvaspata to resolve a situation, has not effectively done so. I really recommend that you continue with doing it daily.
As regards to the possible predicted future outcome (remember, personal choices of all parties involved can change the future):
It looks to me that you will get the matter resolved in the nick of time. That is nerve wracking, I know, but an Angel once told me, “there is only ‘the nick of time'”. If for some reason, after doing everything on your side to resolve it, you have to miss your flight, know that there’s a very good reason why.
I once watched life block me at every turn to cause me to lose my flight from London to Portland. It gave me a chance to sit at the airport and revisit some prophetic drawings one of my Irish students had handed me. As I sat there in London airport, I noticed suddenly that the numbers of the next flight between London and Rome were written in her drawing — as were the words “Roma” and “bomb”. I immediately worked on deactivating the situation and I noticed how a few very late coming passengers suddenly arrived and told the gate attendant: “we didn’t think we’d make this flight”. These passengers were being deliberately kept away from a deadly situation until it was no longer a threat. The moral of the story? Surrendered trust will keep you safe.
christel says
there is this saying: nothing happens without a reason and a cause.. what seems missing is one needs surrendered Trust to accept
Tallulah Mae Bleu says
Thank you, Beloved Almine. This message is very timely for me right now.
Immense gratitude to you for this.
kelly wilmeth says
Thank you, Almine. I feel how you embrace everyone with your wisdom and compassion and love.
Dhani says
Yes, these legal issues come up sometimes for a precious lesson to be learned or as in this case to save lives. Surrendered Trust is the best way for the benefit of all.
I hope you made it!
Amber Fawn says
Really love this 💫 thank you beautiful Almine 💗🙏
MaeMae says
Love this. Yes I always think this way when I can’t find my keys. There is always a reason for being late.