What is the purpose of food? Why do certain foods heal, while others do not?
The Seer:
Respectfully cultivated living whole foods provide the body with missing frequencies. Missing frequencies (which cause various diseases) occur from unexpressed feelings (non-cognitive thoughts), emotions and thoughts. Empty junk food robs the body of frequencies instead.
Seer’s Notes
- The way food preparation takes place is also a factor. Fast food is thoughtlessly prepared, whereas home cooked food is more inclined to be prepared with gratitude for the food and love for those who enjoy it. The latter strengthens the health-giving frequencies.
- Non-organic food contains chemicals and heavy metals that leave distorted frequencies in the body, causing various mental disorders.
- Animal products leave their ‘fear of death through slaughter’ frequencies in those who ingest them, as well as a sense of outraged bewilderment at the abysmal lack of respect and gratitude for the gifts of their lives they give to feed humanity. The disrespectful way in which animals are treated to satisfy man’s gluttony and greed, is creating a karmic debt for humanity.
What type of karma can humanity expect?
The Seer:
An example would be the AI agenda of draining the vitality of man through digital devices. When energy is lost, innocence diminishes too. The innocence of animals is violated through man’s inhumane treatment of them and the enormous numbers that are being slaughtered.
Get the the sigils to alleviate the suffering of livestock→
It’s estimated that there are more than 50 billion chickens raised for meat in the world each year. That works out to about 136 million chickens killed each day worldwide.
Jess Ika says
If one is to encounter an animal that is being mistreated/abused by humans, is it a worthy battle to try to help that animal? My heart says yes, but the amount of resistance I receive from the humans doing the abusing [usually tyrants of some variety], and the amount of energy that is spent in that battle, makes me wonder. I wonder if this is more about a need to better manage my feelings about helpless and harmed animals than it is about confronting tyrants. Thank you.
Dhani Nallainathan says
Yes, a good reminder. Thank you.
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you for this reminder – I haven’t used them for a while. Thanks be to Beloved Almine, Infinite Mother, and the sigisl and Angelgods for this protocol for animals.