In the language of pain, what’s the meaning of anorexia?
The Seer:
An inactive (not expressing) Inner Nurturer. Feeling unworthy of receiving nurturing from self.
And bulimia?
The Seer:
Feeling unworthy of receiving nurturing from others.
Why We Need Food
Technically food is unnecessary only when one expresses the full Song of the Self — the full nuances of self-expression. But that is a ‘catch-22’ (a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions — “a catch-22 situation”) because our purpose for being an individuated being with self-volition, is to gather a unique perspective. We need the blind spots in our perception to shape the unique lens through which we view life. The blind spots in our vision prevent the full self-expression that will render food unnecessary.
Holy smokes!! This is a HUGE insight!!! Glad you asked the question Rogier! Thank you, ever so grateful for this.
Thank you so much for this answer! I sincerely tried to live as a breatharian for just about 2.5 years, and although the clarify was unparalleled found I was seriously depleted. It was actually at my first retreat with Almine where I heard telepathically from her “you have to stop this right away”. It took me a while to grudgingly accept that food as yet plays a role for us, but now I really appreciate its value and that the body benefits from being nourished in this way.
Fascinating! Thank you for the questions and answers.
Oui oui!!! I agwee!!!! 😀😂..
(the fairies must be out, enjoying the heading!!!)