I am finding it very difficult to live in the same household as my mother who chooses to live in darkness. Can you advise please?
The Seer:
Here are a few cosmic laws you should be aware of in dealing with the situation:
- The more you are repulsed by your mother’s darkness, the more she will keep mirroring the opposite of what you are.
- Individuated life cannot exist without the presence of darkness. The destiny of individuated beings is to learn about existence from individual perspectives. Individuated lifeforms are the mirror in which the Infinite examines Itself. Without darkness mirroring that which the Infinite is not, it would be like a candle in the sun trying to understand its own light.
- All life has equal value in the grand scheme of things. The most effective way to defuse the situation, is to recognize this.
- You are not who you seem. You are in fact not your mother’s son. Even your baby pictures are staged to simulate a past childhood for you. You are a godbeing who came into material form as an adult. Even though the families’ memories are altered to remember a godbeing, like yourself as a family member, she knows at any instinctual level that you are not her child.
- The ability to see right through the benevolent facade into the heart of the darkness of others, happens quite suddenly when you reach a certain stage of enlightenment. This suddenly makes it very difficult to be around others (you could experience nausea in their presence). Changing your perspective to see how their dysfunction helps them have their unique perspective in life, could ease your discomfort.
The gift to you from the universe, is to have the ability to choose the quality of your life’s journey. The gift you give to all life, is your unique perspective.
The Seer
The perspective of those who mirror to the Infinite, that which It is not, is equally valuable as the perspective of those who mirror to the Infinite that which in part, It is.
The Seer
All that exists has value in the unfolding drama of life and death. If it did not, it would not exist at all. Life is frugal and creates only that which matters.
The Seer
Ailsa Mclean says
THANK YOU, I am so very grateful for this message.
Linda B says
Much gratitude for this message as it arrives the morning after my dream message of needing to have humility and understanding for the shortcomings of others. It’s always helpful to have reinforcement! ❤️
Gio says
Muchas gracias mi queridos 😘😙
Vanessa says
Almine, this is a very brilliant post
Deeply greatful always
Mac says
This is very helpful. Thank you.
Dhani says
This is so eloquent Almine. Deepest gratitude for expounding these principles so clearly for us. Appreciate your wisdom and perspective immensely!