Goddess of new beginnings and forging new ways. When the old is gone, she invents a new approach. She is the innovator.
A Message From the Seer
This is the the holy time in which to express the principle of the goddess Amaraku. Living the goddess principles in your home, brings vitality and vibrant energy to you and your family. Celebrate this day with joy and gratitude, that your life’s journey may be abundantly blessed. With love, ~Almine
Amaraku and Living a Life of Vision
From: Secrets of the Hidden Realms
Growth is achieved by turning the unknown into the known. Once it is known, however, it must be implemented, no matter how revolutionary or how starkly it contrasts with previously held views.
Amaraku oversees the incorporating of new vision into daily life. The clinging to old ideas and belief systems is much like a pond that isn’t fed by a stream of new, clean water. Its water quality must eventually deteriorate until it can no longer sustain life. It is because of this principle that civilizations rise and decline.
The ideal, however, is that as a fresh stream cleans a stagnant pond, new ideas should invigorate a society. But traditionally, change has often been heavily resisted and slow in taking form. The establishment has seen it as a way it might lose control over its citizens and, more frequently than not, has suppressed new information. New thinkers have been ostracized, opposed, discredited and, in some cases, killed.
Amaraku has sent ‘system busters’ into mostly the grass roots levels of society from whence change filtered into the masses. Gandhi, Mozart and Martin Luther King came from humble beginnings and rose into the public eye to realize their visions.
Sometimes the grass roots movement had no particular leader, but raged like a wild fire nevertheless, freeing perception from the confines of old belief systems. An example is the gentle cultural revolution fueled by music and art that took place during the 1960’s with the ‘free love’ movement.
At other times, prominent rulers like Marcus Aurelius, Julius Caesar and Akhenaten came into power for their often heavily opposed and abbreviated reigns to imprint changes into society.
Changed perception precipitating changed living begins with the individual. In our lives, growth can either be the result of forced change, which comes through pain, or the way of Amaraku:
Learning from our daily experiences and implementing those perceptions courageously into our lives. As we watch where our buttons are pushed, or where observations about others stand out in our minds, we will find the areas where insights are waiting to be gained. Life becomes an interactive dance between us and our expanded selves, becoming lives of grace.
Selma says
Love this one, which feels very relevant and timely for life on Earth now! 🙏
(Reading weekly about the 20 goddess archetypes is also a good reminder.)
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you!!! 🙏🌹
Dhani says
Most wonderful holy mother, gratitude for this great essay on Amaraku. May we live long and innovate, innovate, innovate!
Gio says
May joy AND Warm surround your heart
GIO says
This REALLY Beautiful Gracias my Beloveds