Could you explain how the extermination of the giants relates to the genocide of the white race in North America as regards to a ‘footprint’ or psychic impression, on the cosmic Wheel of Time? Did these slaughter events happen in the same period, during a particular violent period? Or was that always a feature of life on the continent?
The Seer:
The extermination of the white race that had arrived in North America in about 600 BC, happened over a very violent war around about 300 AD.✶ That footprint on the Wheel of Time coincides with the extermination of the Jews during the Second World War. It does not coincide with the extermination of the relatively smaller group of Giants I have previously spoken of.â€
✶See: This Racial Blind Hatred Is Echoing at This Time
†See: Others Who Are Not Like Us and They All Felt Great Sadness
Hi again Rogier!
This from your June 12, 2020, post really helped me understand the recent Power Sigil for the Homeless.
Thank you!
The search for sameness has created guilt in the more privileged members of society. But everywhere in nature there is a variety of resources that aren’t evenly distributed. What can be done is to appreciate the gifts of poverty as well as the gifts of abundance. What the law of compensation takes away is compensated for by what it bestows in excess. To neglect finding the gifts of hardship changes it from a giver of gifts to a hard taskmaster.
Very interesting as this also falls on Hannukah…
Apologies, Hannukah is now. I was wondering if this extermination occurred at the same time (and then posted, not reading the context properly!)
I seem to recall Almine mentioning at some point the significance of this sacred Jewish Holiday. Is it relevant?
Hi Rogier!
Could you ask Almine if the whites were Jewish and if it connects with your post of May 21, 2021, and if that is why the slaughter is at the same spot as the Holocaust?
Thank you!
The Chosen People
Let us closely examine the age old persecution of the Jews (incidentally, Native Americans in North and South America have some Jewish heritage derived from two ancient Jewish migrations to North America):
Jews have been the “chosen” people of the old Nibiruan ruler of the Earth they knew as Yahweh. Chosen because his sister Ninhursag, the master geneticist, had prepared the Jewish race with enhanced genetics for Yahweh to use as “his” tool; “his” people. This has enabled them to have more light-filled physical forms and has traditionally placed them at a slightly higher dimensional overtone than their neighbors. This has made them the object of much hatred.
Okay good to clear that up. Thank you.
Interesting for sure thank you.
Very interesting. Thank you.