The Seer:
The beautiful example set by the Japanese soccer team after they beat Germany, inspired me deeply:
“Japan’s jubilant players leave their dressing room spotless – and even make cute Origami swans as a thank you to their hosts – after celebrating their stunning World Cup win over Germany… as their fans also sweep up litter in the stands” Link→
Every animal has a virtue that can be emulated by those who live a life of aware appreciation. A fish leaves no trail as it makes its way through the water. It leaves the environment behind it as flawless and pristine as it had been before. The living example of this principle is found in the post-victory conduct of the Japanese soccer team.
May we walk through each day with reverence and respect, knowing that wherever we have been is holy ground. The Earth is blessed by the respectful journey of a godbeing. (After years of living this principle, I challenge myself to leave the places I have been, and the people I have met, better than before.)
Inspiring and very beautiful.
just great It is my way of living also
I am in praise and gratitude for this gift of reverence from Beloved Almine and the Japanese Soccer team.
Very inspiring. This happens at the beach, also. I asked some folks one time, what they were collecting and looking for on the beach, and their reply was “broken glass”. Their diligence touched me and put me on alert too! It’s astounding how some can be so careless and neglectful of our precious environment (and of each other). But then again, it encourages others to exemplify care and respect…ebb and flow in this dance of duality…
Thank you. This touches my heart deeply
Thank 🙏. This touches my heart deeply