Yesterday, the Seer encountered a psychic impression on the cosmic Wheel of Time, of an event that took place over a thousand years ago.✶ She describes it as follows:
“I found myself waking up with unaccustomed fear in my heart this morning. After lying very still and examining the cause, I realized that it wasn’t my fear at all, but an impression of fear felt by a small family group of Viking explorers that had left the west coast of Norway long ago in search of a new land thought to lie to the west of Scandinavia. This family group was lead by the patriarch Hrafna-Floki Vilgeroarson.”
Here is their story:
Although two Norseman had accidentally ended up in Iceland after each had been blown off course by storms, no Norseman had sailed intentionally to Iceland until Hrafna-Flóki Vilgerðarson. Having heard tales of a vast new land far to the west, Flóki decided to take his family to see the riches of this new land for himself and settle there if possible. Accompanied by his wife, Gró, their two children Oddleifur and Þjóðgerður, and three other men (Herjólfr, Faxi, and Thorolf), Flóki raised the sails on his longship from Western Norway and set a westward course towards the direction of the Shetland Islands.
The medieval Icelandic Landnámabók saga that describes Flóki’s journey, tells us that he met misfortune early in his journey. His daughter drowned off the Shetlands. Despite this tragedy, he continued on his journey and next reached the Faroe Islands. There his other daughter got married. Restocking his resources and still devoted to his mission, Flóki acquired three ravens from the Faroe Islands. Using ravens to find land was an old tactic used by Norse seafarers. When searching for landfall, a sailor would let loose a raven. If the bird took off in a certain direction and didn’t return, this was a sure sign it had reached land. The Viking explorers then followed the direction the raven flew.
Equipped with his ravens, Flóki thus earned his nickname: Hrafna-Flóki (“Raven-Floki”). One can only imagine the daring adventurous spirit of such an expedition in the 9 th century AD. Armed with the renowned Norse decisiveness and the fiery spirit of boldness, we can almost envision a group of rugged, grim Norsemen as they cut the waves of the Atlantic in their dragon-headed longship, battered by the saltwater waves. With storms brewing on the unknown distant horizons, with nothing but the vast expanse of the grey ocean in every direction, a man had to possess immense courage and dedication to master his own fears.
Seeing no land in any direction and alone between the water and the sky, Hrafna-Flóki and his tiny crew must have possessed amazing levels of hope and faith, driven by the belief that the distant horizon to which their wooden ship hurled, held new lands and a promise of a better life.
Eventually, Hrafna-Flóki decided to use his ravens to find the land he set out to discover. The first bird he set loose promptly turned around and flew back towards the Faroe Islands. That was a sure sign that the land they sought was still a ways off. After a while, he let loose the second of his three ravens. This bird flew for a while but eventually returned to the ship’s mast. After sailing further, Hrafna-Flóki finally let loose his last raven. As a sign of hope to the crew, the last raven flew onwards into the northwestern horizon and did not return. Taking this for a sure sign of land, the crew followed this course and eventually came upon the land they sought. They soon came to a large bay, where Reykjavik, the modern capital of Iceland lies.
The Seer’s Note
In examining the significance of encountering this psychic impression imprinted on the wheel of time, I find several insights that are immediately obvious: firstly, that humanity can be called decadent or even savage, self-destructive and greedy. But where there are many flaws to be found, there are also many strong suits present. Humanity can also be called a race of heroic explorers — driven ever onwards into the unknown by the gnawing hunger of their self-abandoned souls. Flaws are like the tension of a fully extended slingshot that, when released, propels them into amazing feats.
Secondly, I gained another insight, as I felt the fear of the explorer’s little family group who perforce had to entrust their fate to a man restless and driven to assuage his obsession for conquest. I realized that there is a tendency within the human psyche to equate conviction with visionary leadership. Just because someone is adamant and pedantically set upon a certain course, does not mean that it’s necessarily the best course for all concerned. The passionate speeches delivered by Hitler, are a good example of the ability to sway many by the passionate force of personal conviction. The human tendency to abdicate self- government, and to forsake reason in the face of another’s certainty, is a tendency that has to be guarded against. Advertisers and politicians alike, are far too eager to exploit it.
The Seer
✶Learn more: This Day on the Disc of Life
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Some very keen insights here. Good to keep in mind when dealing with humanity. Greatitude dear Almine.
Loved ❤ “The human tendency to abdicate self- government, and to forsake reason in the face of another’s certainty, is a tendency that has to be guarded against. Advertisers and politicians alike, are far too eager to exploit it.”
“In your whole life nobody has ever abused you more than you have abused yourself. And the limit of your self-abuse is exactly the limit that you will tolerate from someone else. If someone abuses you a little more than you abuse yourself, you will probably walk away from that person. But if someone abuses you a little less than you abuse yourself, you will probably stay in the relationship and tolerate it endlessly.”
— Don Miguel Ruiz
And it’s one thing to make self-sacrifices for ambition, another to sacrifice those around you so that you may receive acknowledgement.
The tendency for humans to try reach new heights by almost flatout ignoring other aspects of themselves or others is terrifying sometimes. Although there’s a lesson to be learned there.
Thank you Almine 🙂