The Seer’s interpretation of a visionary dream from a Russian student in Moscow:
Dear Almine, a question from one of Your students from Moscow. She saw You in her dream. She said it was a very powerful experience — she was asking You many questions, and You were giving her answers. Then at the end of her dream, she heard You saying that You wanted to give her a gift. And the gift was a black motorcycle with sidecar (three-wheeler). She said that she could not find this symbol in a Dream Dictionary. She is asking about the meaning of the «black motorcycle with sidecar» as a dream symbol (especially since she had received it directly from You in her dream)?
The Seer:
Firstly, she has been given the gift of speaking an angelic language and eventually she will start writing it. The holy languages beneficially alter the way we see life. Speaking them often, assists with a more enlightened perspective.
Secondly, a black motorcycle with sidecar (three-wheeler) is the symbol for ‘a change of general awareness that allows one to live from a higher and new reality’. The color black, in this case, indicates the power of living with full awareness in the moment. (The future and past are unseen and in blackness.)
The Seer’s Note:
When we recapitulate the lessons and gain the insights of the past, we “black it out” — we let it go. When we don’t try to control or anticipate the future, we “black that out” as well. A vehicle of any kind symbolizes a change of awareness. (Road vehicles symbolize a change in general awareness.)
The Deeper Mystery of The Power of Living in The Moment
As we live only moment by moment, we renew our reality moment by moment. Every moment reshapes our reality.
How the Reality of Any Given Moment Is Formed
Thoughts fall into the reservoir of the heart and are activated by the feelings of the heart. This newly formed alchemical equation of thoughts and feelings, act upon ‘the substance of things hoped for’, namely the awareness particles. The awareness particles then shape the new reality moment by moment.
Guard well the purity of your thoughts and feelings for they are the well-spring of life unfolding.
Soleil says
I have recently had a dream which chimes with the wheel – Wheel of the Recognition of the Infinite,That Its Creation Is Itself.
This awakening dream was/is powerful!
In the dream i became a snail!!!
Almine The LovelyNess is so so gentle!
Dhani says
Great visual image on this one Rogier!
Giovany acuna says
Thank you Beloved for sharing this with us i had a similar dream just a couple nights bfro
Dhani says
Oh so precious. Deepest gratitude for this great gift Almine!
Vanessa says
I am so greatful for this profound insight…
Thankyou so much for sharing..