What is consciousness?
The Seer:
I presume you’ve come across our prior teachings about what consciousness is, so I’ll repeat the analogy I have given previously to explain consciousness, and then expound on it.
The Previously Given Analogy
I have explained what consciousness is in the following way:
A miner is searching for gold. The gold represents insight — it is a valuable possession because it results in a self-guided life of ease and grace by elucidating the right choices and preventing the hard knocks.
The miner takes buckets of dirt out of the mountain and carefully searches through the soil to separate the rocks from the gold nuggets. The alert attitude he has to differentiate rocks from gold nuggets, is the equivalent of awareness.
The choosing of what’s valuable over what is not, is the equivalent of intelligence.
The mountain and its buckets of soil containing unsorted elements, is representative of consciousness. (The mountain is aware of itself as a whole — the aliveness of all things — but it isn’t aware of the various separate components that it consists of.)
The above analogy clarifies the various terms that are often mistakenly and interchangeably used. This analogy explains the basics.
A More Advanced Explanation
All individuated expression, whether life expresses as a material object or an abstract quality, consists of two opposite poles. So does consciousness. The opposite poles create a defined space for the individuated expression to take place in.
The mountain is self-aware. It knows that which it is and that which it’s not — namely it is not the valley below. This type of consciousness that is inert in its expression, is the feminine, passive form of consciousness.
To be continued...
Thank you veru much for these explanations and insights…
So, as anything with an opposite (or in fact, that which can be described) doesn’t, in fact actually exist, then, neither does consciousness…movement and measure of the Infinite through its expressions is undefinable…beyond consciousness…???
But neither does individuation actually exist, as Beloved Almine’s teachings have relayed. There is only One Being – The One Life – and nothing can ever truly be compartmentalized or separated, as individuations are perceived to be. “It’s a peculiarity of vision,” She has said. Within the context of Original Ones being real, we are rooted in the expression of that which has no opposites – The One – each OO a current in the indivisible ocean of The One Life. Whoever she or he thinks they are as ‘individuals’ is but a transient role in the eternal unfolding song. We are The One embodied (The One expressing as The Many and The Many as The One), and pretend in the game of relationship.
This is lovely…
From The Tablets of The One Life (2009)
Tablet 8
“Long have we journeyed since separation began
Though it’s been but a moment if we could understand
Yet as the cycle closes, as much illusion is undone
Huge is the insight that to us comes’
“Without illusion no individual life could be
Some illusion to create the game of life is necessary
Knowing it for what it is, is the key
Pretense is needed to continue individuated reality’
Wow! Immense gratitude for these discussions!