From: Alchemy of the One
The law of abundance is to acknowledge gratefully what is.✶ What other laws of abundance exist?
For that which you wish to become, act as though it has already begun. You wish to have abundance, you say. Then act as though it is already that way. Give what you can, with generosity, and life will bring exponentially increased reciprocity.
Is there another law we should know?
Listen and I will tell you which way to go. Do not regard money as evil or vile, feel free to love it for the gifts it provides. Think of money as a substitute for love you give and receive. Bless it as you pay, that it may bring others blessings on the way. Like a life-giving stream that turns everything green, let it flow through your life with contentment. Abundance cannot be where resentment there is.
What of savings? Is this not wise? Or is it faithlessness money to hoard and to hide?
By all means, for contingencies be prepared, but do it as prudent management and not because of loss you are scared.
What of our old age for which we should plan?
Old age is the self-imposed tyrant of man. Do not plan your own demise; do not call such folly ‘wise’. Man has a choice to age and to die. Choose instead eternal life.
The Seer Almine
✶See: We Have All Along Been Wealthy Indeed
Bars! Almine Drops Mic. Thanks you for this insightful and bountiful message Almine
Mind blown, I’ve been looking for every bit of info on the Law of Attraction past few weeks, and how reality shapes itself, and now this. 😲 Think someone’s tapping my phone!
Haha, blessings to my lightfamily 🙏
Thank you!
Glad to see this written out in full. Deepest Gratitude for this special message of Godhood.