We asked the Seer to share with us any insights she may have gotten during the past 24 hours. This was her reply:
A few years ago, I mentioned in class that I had become aware that a group of very large demons had entered the world of man at the location of Madagascar — this was disclosed to me by the Earth herself.
In the night I saw that there had been twelve with a mission to turn the earth into a wasteland — making it un-inhabitable for man.
They had spread around the Earth and positioned themselves on the twelve chakra points of the planet. From there they have been effecting crops, weather, the hearts of humanity and much more.
The key to removing their ability to negatively impact life on Earth, is to purify and master the twelve primary organs in the body. The perpetual self-regeneration of an immortal master depends on that. I will be posting future insights on how to accomplish this.
Looking forward to these insights…
Dear Almine and Rogier,
Will you be able to name the 12 locations on Earth of each of her 12 Ckakras?
I looked up the Sigil for Dubai, and perhaps we already have received some of the others. Once we know them all, the other Sigils will surely be requested…
Then an interesting ongoing ‘work’ can be carried out, along with the purification of the organs in the OOs able to achieve this.
Thank you 💚
Love this comment!
I think I have been waiting for this for a very long time……….I feel excited having to bridge this huge gap between the Physical and Spiritual. Looking forward to hear so much more. Much gratitude
Dear Almine,
I am very very greatful for this post,
This has come up for Me in the form of two female clients today, and demons came up in the conversation
Some in the dream time with a lady who works with the Earth She said
And another who also felt to have had dealings with demonic entities.
I am feeling that there may have been some interference from the feminine of the feminine aspects that may possibly have been tampered with
Again I know nothing.
Also regeneration was mentioned
The other i was in meditation AND i saw a group of people AND others beings sumoning some kind of black magic And immediately I got out of the vision I felt bad at the moment and what I did was surround myself and surround the vision of purifying flame although obviously it did not work And today at dawn a spirit or something tried to enter my body I did not leave it but I woke up very strange and in pain
Hi Gio.
I had a similar experience during the night of Sun to Monday the 8th.
This was a day after listening to the Tablets of Fire.
I saw and physically felt an energy/being come into my room and push me down on the shoulders. As I was coming to fully opening my eyes it slipped into my body (as if it fell right through me).
At first I thought it was my partner laying down beside me but when it went through me I was confused. I was disoriented.
I thought that perhaps it’s myself returning to the body after travelling at night. The being had long limbs and eyes glowing with ice blue colour.
Thank you for sharing your insights with us dearest Almine. And I am eagerly awaiting how to master perpetual self regeneration.
Also has the locations of Earth’s chakras been released?
Oh Dear! Thank you Beloved Almine AND thank you Rogier for sharing with us Much appreciated ✨
Wow!! Fantastic!! Thank you Almine and Rogier xx 🌹 Joanne
Oh goodness Thank you so much for revealing this and revealing the “remedy” as it where.
OH thank you for gaining such a valuable insight Almine!! Look forward to mastering this practice yet to come.
Also hoping that whoever unleashed these demons has already met their demise.