The Spirit of Mugwort Speaks
The body will hold onto memories long gone
It will let go with Mugwort’s song
To do this, Mugwort must be burnt above
In Mugwort is held the frequency of love
As it burns, the body will release
Energy will glow and there will be a return of peace
Mugwort brings clarity when the smoke is inhaled
A whiff most small, is all it takes.
Ancient Shamanism
Recently, the Seer determined it was time to revisit plant magic and upgrade the wheels of The Gates of Mugwort protocol, originally released by her in 2008.
The reason is that plant magic is a powerful gateway to developing shamanic abilities and cultivating a relationship with Mother Earth. And therefore we’ll add an Ancient Shamanism forum to our I Am Abundance network.
While this is a network mostly focused on prepping, and not so much the metaphysical, these two realms meet in ancient shamanic practices such plant magic. Meeting the challenges ahead will require not just the ability to ‘keep ourselves afloat’ in the face of (potential) societal collapse, but also proactively pivoting to working with the Earth as our ally.† And the Seer confirms this:
The Earth is our ally and friend. Once a loving and respectful relationship is established, she will protect nourish and sustain us. The plants will speak to us, the wind will guide us and the soil will support us. There is no better way to prepare for times of deprivation, than to establish a supportive interaction with the power of nature.
The Seer

The protocol consists of Seven Gates and the Emblem of the Spirit of Mugwort. You’ll find that instructions are scant, because there is a strong non-cognitive component here. You are meeting and interacting with a being — the Spirit of Mugwort — and this relationship emphasizes feeling.
You basically burn the dry herb‡, as much as you like, inside or outside your living space, and meditate on one or more Gates, while opening up to whatever insights or impressions arise. (We’ll share experiences and tips on Ancient Shamanism forum.)
All this is not to say that no additional information on this protocol will be received. But this will only be called forth once a certain critical mass is achieved in our collective practice of the Gates.
†Remember: She is Your Number One Friend
‡Scientific name: Artemisia
💜 This priceless message from The Seer is brought to you by the Original Ones 🦄
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This is quite interesting, I thoroughly enjoy new information intake. But can anyone tell me who to contact for an invite to the I Am Abundance network? I wasn’t even aware of it until now. Thanks all.
How do you gain access to the ancient shamanism forum?
Interestingly, some of my passwords incorporate the word “Mugwort.” It has stuck with me since plant taxonomy classes from at least four decades ago. I have a Mugwort smudge stick along with some Palo Santo. Thank you for the re-inspiration.
This will be magical and wonderful 💖💖
The Earth will assist us! These tools and practices will be a great help.
Thank you!
Amazing, thank you so much! As well as burning and smudging, mugwort is also incredible as a yoni steam for healing the body and psyche. I feel it is a mother plant, and its effects are almost psychedelic (except without the mind-altering aspect). It’s very easy to grow too!
Beautiful Wheel of Mugwort 💚. We were just wondering where we had stashed our package, out of detection-range of a certain little cat. Not easy! So I may need to find another source. This moxa was given to us by an acupuncturist friend, from a Chinese shop in a city.
We burn a small wad in an old spoon, bringing it to the heart level to inhale it and then above the head. Although we printed out Almine’s Gates of Mugwort all those years ago; beyond this we didn’t know how to use it.
It is said to facilitate lucid dreaming so we have done the little rituel from time to time in the evening.
It is very easy to grow! It’s a tall wild plant found all over the world. A plant preservation group in France, Kokopelli, grew fields of it to offer the seeds to their customers. For its many virtues.
Coming to a field near you!
Oh this is what I have been waiting for without knowing what it was! Thank you Rogier for posting this information from Almine. Deepest gratitude to Almine for this old-new awakening to the plant magic. 🙂
The fairies have been planting some things in my garden. 2 types of white flowers, one maybe chamomile but there’s a lot of other plants they planted around the edges that I don’t know how to use. So this is great news!
YYESSSS IM SO excited!!!
How exciting! I adore the mugwort plant. Deep gratitude to you Beloved Almine for bringing forth this modality, especially as part of the practice of Ancient Shamanism.
As always, Rogier, thank you for being such an amazing translator and ambassador for our Beloved.
I am so eager to delve into this protocol after the Chakra clearing and 9 steps of recapitulation. Its exciting to think of where studying Ancient Shaminism will lead each of us. And looking forward to the addition of Ancient Shaminism on Preppers network – Plant magic.