What is the root cause of artificial intelligence playing a larger and larger role in society?
The Seer:
Laziness and lack of self-pride in the fruits of our labor.
What quality is lacking in someone who is lazy?
The Seer:
There are more than one reason that could be at play to produce laziness:
- Lack of motivation comes from not seeing that even the smallest action has large consequences. Even the smallest grain of sand in the mechanism of a watch can prevent it from functioning. The motivation to act comes from knowing the infinite worth of the details.
- To cultivate a hardworking self-motivated attitude, requires an inner commitment to exercise self- discipline and willpower. Willpower is like any muscle in the body: it atrophies when unused. Be ready to act on your own behalf at any given moment — you’re creating a strong and robust function of the will. Don’t send others to fetch and find things you are able to get for yourself.
- Ask yourself intermittently, what you are doing to leave the world (or your home, family or workplace) a better place, to learn something you didn’t know before; to lighten the burden of physicality for another.
Work for the joy of giving back to life; for the joy of changing duty to poetry and beauty.
This is beautifully and perfectly said, as always. Thank you Almine and Rogier!
Beatiful. Thank you light family. Eternal love and gratitude
I believe caffeine can block one from seeing/perceiving so much.
This Is so good!!! Im in love with this kind of explanation
Thank you