Ascension Angelgod 101
Imagine for a moment, the image of a pyramid. At the base lies known spiritual concepts, familiar practices and promises of bliss and enlightenment. Eventually, as one progresses on the path, eyes are turned to the apex. This is where ascension and mastery are found. A choice needs to be made; the higher path, to live in mastery while in physical embodiment, or to stay with the masses in conformity.
The Seer Almine
Seer’s Note (2022)
What is mastery? A life of mastery is a thoughtful life of self-examination; a life in which every choice is based on one’s highest vision and heart-felt inspiration. The difference between a master and a fool is one of perspective: The master serves the intangible evolution of the spirit, and the fool lives to gratify the more base demands of the body. The fool’s life is hedonistic. The master’s life is a disciplined journey of idealistic choices. The master’s life is carefully crafted from an eternal perspective, whereas the fool lives only for today.
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Kelshall Burke says
Derek says
Uncle Iroh:
You’re looking at the rare white dragon bush. Its leaves make a tea so delicious it’s *heartbreaking!* That, or it’s the white jade bush, which is poisonous.
Prince Zuko:
We need food, not tea. I’m going fishing. [exits]
Uncle Iroh:
Hmm… Delectable tea, or deadly poison?
…Eventually, as one progresses on the path of Mastery, you began to realize what a fool you’ve been. The character Uncle Iroh from the kids animated TV Series The Last Airbender is a great example of this. The one without definition knows the value of all contributing parts and is free to play.
Stacey says
Ekaterina Kapotova says