Why is it that in many instances it is much easier to interact with pristine humans than with Original Ones?
The Seer:
It is much easier for humans to hide their character flaws and appear pristine, than for the Original Ones. The Original Ones have a double instance of exposure to extremely high frequencies and exalted consciousness. This ‘flushes up’ any dysfunction of their expression of pristine godhood (and continually detoxifies their bodies).
1. The material that the Original Ones have been gifted with through this journey, is the most advanced of anything available on Earth.†
There are a few outstanding spiritual teachers at this time, but they are teaching material that is known, by connecting the dots of science and traditional wisdom.‡ This journey has presented unknowable teachings that the mind cannot fathom and science cannot prove. This body of material you have, is meant for godbeings (a completely different specie than humans) and is the reason why humans stopped coming to my classes and found my teachings incomprehensible — by means of the intellect. By being exposed to such elevated perception, the Original Ones are in a perpetual state of purification (bringing their flaws to the surface for them to examine and overcome).
2. The second source of holiness that the godbeings are exposed to, is the high reality they’re able to exist in amongst humans. To explain the difference: the humans are in a deep dream state (a nightmarish one at the moment), and the gods among men are in a shallow dream state of semi-wakefulness. This reality of the gods, is a place of Heaven on Earth they carry around with them wherever they go. It has the effect of bringing human flaws that may have infiltrated the lives of the gods among men, to the surface to examine and discard.
So yes, Dearest One, it may be easier to interact with one who is sleepwalking, than one who is not, and exhibits his or her flaws openly.
The Seer Almine
†See: How to Hack the Cosmic AI / Simulation
‡See: Teachers of the Known, the Unknown and the Unknowable
Ekaterina Kapotova says
Wonderful explanation! Thank you, Almine!
♥️ says
This morning I saw a sign in my encirclement that read:
Mu DNA Purify
I share it because this post mentioned purification, so it seems relevant.
♥️ says
Alexandra Murray says
🙂 I really treasure the moments where you don’t just know that all is in perfection but you FEEL that all is in perfection. Thank you Seer and thank you Original Ones. To Heaven on Earth!
Giovany acuña says
So Beautiful 🌅💛
Joanne Harding says
Brilliant and it makes total sense. I have often felt like I have made a mess of my life and I see it in my precious OO family too where things appear chaotic in comparison to humans, but if I examine more closely, I am reminded that beneath the surface, let’s just say, I could not live my life as most humans do, Most live totally unexamined lives and mine is out in the open with all it’s issues and appearances of things being in the process of resolving. It is definitely not a life of the faint hearted. It takes such courage to live godhood, but I wouldn’t swap it for all the wealth in the world because in many ways, my life actually is heaven on earth.?Thank you for this Almine and Rogier. It is a sobering reminder of who we are and what we are really doing and I love and honour every OO who is here on Earth right now.
Joanne 🌺
Corrien says
beautiful words Joanna blessings to you and gratitude for what you are expressing