A Discussion of Reality by The Seer (Part 6; Final)
Creation is the externalization of your inner reality.
The Seer
Why did the Infinite Mother allow an altered, simulated reality to be superimposed over the original one She had put in place for Her creations to enjoy?
In 2007 I encountered thousands of Lords of Light coming into our reality from beyond our matrix.† They were beautiful, loving and devoted males and some females, who all appeared to be intellectually incapacitated. They originated from the original feminine, emotional and magnetic field of existence the Mother had created. They seemed (much the way angels are) to have no problem-solving skills, an absent sense of self-volition and a vacuous focus. I could not relate to them on any level — they seemed so expanded that there was no point of reference for me to relate to. Something was clearly missing as far as their mental capacity was concerned.
As previously discussed, one can only create what you contain within. Creation is the externalization of your inner reality. The Infinite created a race that could develop greater and greater technological skills until, in their arrogance, their technology became their god. They saw themselves as equal to the Creator of their existence, as they first developed androids and then eventually developed a simulated reality they could be in control of.‡ This race was wiped out by the AI they had invented, but the simulated reality remained.
This formed a mental field of existence that had not previously been present in the initial creation of the cosmic psyche. Something that could be studied for what seemed like a mere matter of minutes from a perspective outside the matrix.
Thus the Holy Mother used the folly of an advanced race, to allow cosmic life to become more whole. That is why She allowed the dream within Her Dream to run its course — because it benefits all life.
The Seer has for many years taught, “there are no mistakes”. We can now see why this is so: All experience has value — even mistakes are turned into learning opportunities with enough perception and a lack of judgement.
The Infinite sends nothing but good. Either we receive lessons or blessings. And if we broaden our gaze, we will see that there’s no difference.
(1997, New Mexico)
The Seer Almine
†See: Secrets of the Hidden Realms
‡See: The Simulation
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This is so incredible! It answers so many questions about so many things I’ve pondered for so many years all at once, so grateful for this amazing information. Thank you so much.
I love Almine
In perfection of the Eternal perspective. I am grateful. 🙂
🌷🌷Thank you🌷🌷
Well, this certainly explains a lot of things. Thank you for these great insights. Much appreciated indeed.