Is there any good news about when the enslavement of man by the simulation you’ve been discussing, will end?
The Seer:
Yes, there is. The ancient texts of various scriptures, plus the Lemurian tablets we received at the end of 2011, seem to indicate that there is only a specific time period during which this artificial environment can run as a simulation.
The fascinating part of this is that the role of the Original Ones in hastening the termination of this artificial reality, is described in a scroll received by me in Sedona, Arizona in 2010.✶ The system used to keep the simulation in place, will be overloaded by the prolific amounts of new esoteric information generated for, and in cooperation with, the Original Ones.
When it has reached its maximum capacity of storage, it will shut down. The records (Sedona, 2010) seem to indicate that that time is, “not far distant”.
✶See the interdimensional photo of the Seer receiving the scroll in the book The Lemurian Science of Peace, page 168 (pictured here above).
When I read this, I immediately thought about mk ultra, neural implants and satanic ritual abuse. Because this is enslavement at its most extreme. If anyone has any information about whether this information also pertains to this, it would be much appreciated.
She is ultimately speaking of the origin of our cognitive minds, so it way precedes any of these phenomena.
Incredible what a blessing this is.
Oh this is wonderful!! That Sedona retreat was amazing!! So many profound moments!
Great news!! Hope this time for ” shutting down” is now….
Thank you for this Almine and Rogier. I really hope we can still avail of the benefits of digital technology, without the distortions. 🌺Joanne
Keep the helpful tech and remove the nefariousness.
So much is yet to be revealed 🙂
Will this include all digital going too….
I feel very happy about the release of humanity inslavement can’t wait!
Wow – so this corresponds to the post about using the Tools given us – the part where Almine says so many tools were showered down on us it was hard to keep up. Now we know why!!