Prophecy 21
A relevant prophecy from the Seer’s private journal.
The great Mayan monuments beckon to the spiritual seekers of our world. But a sinister secret lies beyond. From another planet did they come, stealing bodies to inhabit while on Earth. Barren were they and could not procreate generations to carry their heritage forward upon the wheel of time. Scared that they would descend into forgetfulness, they built the reminders of their previous grandeur in stone. Monuments and temples built on power points of the Earth’s energy, but none there are who can remember how to read these reminders of their science and astro-physics and advanced astronomy and mathematics, for the forgetfulness they feared has come to pass. And so they have failed in their purpose to carry forward the work of the serpent.✶
The Seer Almine
✶See: Now Its Secrets Can Be Read
Ciara Young says
The serpent in this case would be Quetzacotl, the shadow god disguised as a winged one?
Jana says
Hi Ciara, I think Almine is talking about Arkon, who was known as the serpent and just recently gave his name to her. Almine speaks about it in this post:
Ciara says
Ah, thank you Jana! Probably the same being anyway.
Denise Lines says
Hi Rogier…………IN the transmissions of the “Ancient secrets of Humanity”, the Mayan was linked to the Elite Builder Race ect….there is obviously a link between the 7 dark lords of the 7 planets and the Elite Builder Races.
Evelyn says
I must admit I have been fascinated with the mystery of the Mayan civilization and as Almine said I felt the beckoning. Perhaps it is no longer relevant, but I wonder why some felt drawn–I have a very, very curious, inquisitive nature (maybe addiction to Light and knowledge) –to something that is now can be seen to be of hostile intent. Is this something to purify within ourselves/myself?
I am grateful that their magic is powerless.
Christina Treviño says
Oh wow! Can we now have them translated by Almine? Also can we now visit there? I was feeling a great pull to go to eastern Mexico near Chichen-Itza.
Alexandra Murray says
Vanessa says
I feel Almine could translate effortlessly
Possibly best to leave sleeping dog lay
Vanessa says
I can’t help but get an image from an Xmen movie I saw where they captured their servants /slaves and when their body was worn or unrepairable they had technology to transfer their consciousness into the other body .. Removing the original soul..
So greatful for this post Thankyou💖