Are there any of these tall whites (the Builder Race) here on Earth?✶
The Seer:
Yes, a small group is working with a group of military engineers in America to share a fraction of their benign technology. They are millions of years ahead of us in technological knowledge and consciousness. They communicate telepathically.
I’m sure there are more, because they are concerned with preventing humanity from destroying themselves and the planet. But the only additional areas I’m aware of, where they inhabit Earth, is in the oceans in dome covered crystalline cities. These cities are not in the 3D material world we live in.
✶See: The Secret Ancient History of Humanity
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Dhani says
I don’t get it. If these tall white Builders are so benign why are they working with the military? Thanks.
Alexandra Murray says
Because not all military are malevolent. :). I truly believe there is a portion of the military that are assisting deep behind the scenes. This is my feeling alone ofcourse.
Bas Waaijer says
Plus, they can choose what knowledge to share. Let’s say medicin or a way to clean up the air or water. And from a purely logical standpoint the existence of alien presence is being kept from the public, and only factually known to the military, so if they wanted to share knowledge and help who else would they contact?
marli says
Fascinating! Its hard to fathom that such advanced
beings are living so close to us.
Glad to know they are benevolent!
Thank You for this info.
Alexandra Murray says
Wow. I thought the benevolent ones would have left for now. I guess I just assumed Earth isn’t exactly the safest place for them to be right now.