Ascension Angelgod 93
See the perfection behind appearances and fill your heart with love for everyone. Live from the utmost place of joy. Drop your fears and inhibitions. Let the inner child come forth and learn to laugh and play. Revel in the beauty and splendor of nature. Stop and admire the exquisite beauty of a rose. Be happy for no reason and be grateful for all blessings. Always live in the moment and you will be empowered to live a flourishing life.
The Seer Almine
Previous: The Destruction of The Meat Industry
Next: Delightful Discovery
Dhani says
LOVE THIS ONE!!!! Thank you!
Nina says
Hello Rogier, Unrelated to this post but I am wondering about the Goddess alchemical oils. They are based on 13 archetypes, not the 16 archetypes. Is there any reason for this? Thank you
Annita says
Hi Nina, you can find the answer through the following link.
Nina says
Thank you so much
Annita says
You are welcome Nina 🤗
MaeMae says
I was skipping like a child at the park yesterday, leaping for joy and laughing giddy giggles. I was on cloud 9 in a state of bliss ✨
Alexandra Murray says
🙂 I know what I’m about to say has nothing to do with this particular post but I wonder if because of the recent changes made in the last two weeks with those power sigils for the moon, the sun and Austria if the infiltrators of the cold blooded kind are significantly weaker now?
Lynette Ruest says
So much appreciation and gratitude for this post!🌹