So the destruction of the meat industry* is not indicative of a shift to a higher order?
The Seer:
The meat industry is being attacked for:
1. Profit
‘Let’s see how many unhealthy ingredients (in which they own stock) we can load into it.’
2. Control
He who controls the food, controls the people. And “Save the Planet” is the mask worn by the elite to hide their true agendas. The Earth-friendly agenda needs to be adopted by companies to get funding funneled their way.
3. Big Pharma / Depopulation
Living off of fake meat only, supplies the population with unhealthy nutrients and doesn’t provide vitamin B12 and certain vital amino acids (L-Carnitine, for instance) that educated vegans and vegetarians should be supplementing with. This will create even more ill patients for the medical profession that then deals with symptoms through pharmaceuticals
This why the meat industry is being attacked. School children in many states are already being trained to have ‘meatless Thursdays’.
*See: Future Agendas of “The Elite”.
It sends mixed messages of truth to the universe when we want to eat vegan or vegetarian but have been imprinted by the tastes of animal foods and then eat fake substitutes. It would be better to be honest with oneself and eat what is real without shame or guilt. There can be no shame or guilt of not being “holy” in partaking of animals as food when it is your authentic true choice. That is what needs to be cleared before true change can happen. What is most important is not what you eat but how you eat. With reverence to Life Everlasting, with choices that are the best you can choose, with full awareness and heart… at whatever point in your journey you are at. Without comparing yourself to the tribe of what is holy and what is not. Judgement of food creates guilt and shame which creates shadows in ourselves from fake spirit that controls us through guilt and shame. Carnivores Vegeterians and Vegans are all part of the diversity of life…not one choice is greater. It is important to be true to yourself without shame or guilt…when a tribe dictates what is approriate behaivor it creates subversive currents of shame and guilt…Unity within Diversity is the best option. Showing support and acceptance for the differences will create inner peace and harmonious true intereactions. It is Ourself that we interact with.
The very same agenda that is behind the “Green movement” carbon-taxing citizens in many countries already out of existence presumably. I overheard my family who I’m visiting (in a different part of Ireland) talking yesterday about a new local charity in their area that has the slogan “heat your body, not your home” and that gives out knitted jumpers to all the old people who now can’t afford to have their heating on, since the prices have more than doubled in the last year, and yet another “carbon tax” is about to piled on in May. I am honestly stunned that people have not only walked right into this, but actually protested for it to happen. Really holding hope that our proxy efforts will create enough of a sea change among the general population to smooth out the coming seasonal changes, even if they don’t overthrow the shadow govs just yet.
Years ago, in ‘Messages for Lightworkers’, when I read Almine’s reasons for a vegan diet I was stunned by some comments that vegan food is so expensive. What? I thought, meat and cheese were more expensive by far than seasonal veg and dried pulses! But this complaint was from those who were buying processed foods, enticingly packaged as ‘vegan’! I had no idea then that veganism had jumped onto the junk food wagon. And that people fell for it!
It’s not just the cost and dubious quality; that processed packaged food ‘as seen on TV’; then reheated in a lethal microwave. The real stunner was that there is a disconnect between post-War (WW II) cultural conditioning: efficient packaged foods…and common sense: buying fresh veg, pulses, tasty spices and cultivating a few potted herbs! Cooked on or in a real cooker: burner, oven, slow-cooker…
Hell’s teath!
1 , The Partial Expression – Of Roles And Shadows Pt.1
Integrated cooperation requires roles. Roles require only partial expression. The creation of any pattern is a shadow. Therefore roles have a transient life limit.
Creations of shadows, the only way of creating through patterns, depend on light to cast a shadow, and frequency to shape that shadow. Light and frequency can only create mediocrity and keep us in lower levels of expressing infinite intent.
2, Seen As Tyrants – Of Roles And Shadows Pt.2
The tools of linear change, building blocks of existence and the matrices and grids, have been seen by us as the shadows governing life. But the true roles of these are the static roles that cast the pattern seen as tyrants.
Patterns will forever repeat while these static points play previous roles.
3, Desire Is Agenda – Of Roles And Shadows Pt.3
Desire is the basis of keeping roles locked into place. To keep a static relationship between poles requires equilibrium in the attraction and the repulsion of these poles. The attraction to the Infinite embodiment is called levitation. The repulsion to the Infinite embodiment that keeps us in a role is gravitation. Levitation is the desire for oneness. Gravitation is the desire for the illusion of separation (individual expression). The angel of levitation is called Spich Baruck. Desire is agenda and creates relationship. Even the desire for oneness creates a relationship of inner space when it is approached with an agenda of overcoming its opposite illusion of separation or of gaining ‘power, resources…’
4, Eliminating The Boring King – Of Roles And Shadows Pt. 4
Living as shadows we have lived in a cyber world. The anguish we feel about the forgetfulness we experience about our ‘past glories’ can vanish when we understand that we have simply changed virtual realities. The old reality in which we played the king or queen was either eliminated because it became boring or unpleasant after eons, or it is stored in cyberspace to play at another time. Disconnecting from the cyber world tribe by seeing how unreal any role is we have played in it, is essential to rising beyond desire and subsequent relationship.
Love what you discovered Jana
By fake meat are you referring to Beyond Burger and the Impossible Burger types?
I do eat these often and will cut them if I need to. Perhaps black bean burgers in general are ok?
It depends on what else is in it…
Just make ’em yourself 🙂
These products are genetically modified to have the texture they do. They also contain canola oil and / or soy – much of the junk Almine is referring to. Impossible Meat is owned by Bill Gates and he was an early backer of Beyond Meat! Ugh! I got sucked in. No more!!
Really nice vegan burgers from wholesome ingredients are super easy to make yourself dear Michelle, and you can make them in bulk and freeze them too, they freeze well! I can throw.a few recipes your way if you like.
Yes, Ciara! Thank you so much!
Oh boy……. we need another power sigil for these “Elite groups” – to safe guard against tampering with the meat and other food suppliers.
I think Our power here, Dhani lies in the need to be REALLY clear about our wholesome food choices. I find I’ve been so naiive about this in my innocence (or gullibility?). So much is coming to light now. We empower what we focus on…
Yes. Focusing on meat by hoping to replace its texture, taste, ‘classic’ culinary uses…It shows how stuck ‘weasterners’ are in their limited menus. It’s entirely a cultural limitation.
Thank you dear Almine for sharing this AND thank you Rogier
Their money ship is sinking. Watching all the things they’re doing to try and save their own hides is quite humorous. It’s all playing out perfectly.