How can one tell if someone is no longer a reptilian infiltrator?
The Seer:
Suddenly and uncharacteristically, he or she is able to have deep abstract thought. A reptilian infiltrator doesn’t have an inner space.
For example, from a powersigil ordered, and with the ceremony done, the prime minister of Dubai is now no longer an infiltrator.
I thought their (the Reptilians’) projections were just that, projections, and not that they had taken a human’s place?
The Seer:
I don’t have a quick answer to your question; it would take a lot of work to find out. If I were to guess, I’d say there was an original human in the soul world β like a dead person… that was resurrected. But that’s just a guess.
Something you havenβt got a clue about. Why? Whats the reason for your comment? So you can sit there and wonder? Use energy to try to figure something out that is beyond your comprehension? Doesn’t make any sense at all.
I recall, as I was learning more regarding the Giants in Stasis … through remote viewing, they discovered a chamber that had Reptilian beings in a coma, or sedated state of sorts. and those reptilian beings were controlling humans with their etheric bodies. connected to that human being or human body.
Please continue these updates Rogier. Even if the message is not totally clear to us, they are such good news!
Wholly concur!
I had the vision which revealed that the Ceremony to stablish evolved DNA codes to develop the function of the reptilian brain was the first out of 3 ceremonies for aligning the purified head, purified heart and purified gut. I had this vision instantly after I applied the high heart chakra oil on my high heart chakra.
Ghost causes by split souls trapped through alchemucal geometry bound by dna and oe smaller aspects of genetics …bound to Oos, get trapped when they due in past and become ghost and do show attach on to people and control them until rekeased
This has happened to several et races including AI races, aborigines, demigods when they died in the past ..really.big problem.invusuble ..cause their usually bound to Oos or another being, and what was once used to protect humanity has been back engineered to draw energy, …then ghost who died in past and couldn’t find soul maybe because it was in a different universe or trapped attaches to perhaps someone who has holes in their field or their lineage descendent….and entire groups get controlled until the ghost get released from alchemucal geometry dna…. genetics smaller than dna…and bindings, and can leave this realm…
And we’ll ninotech can shadow genetics , attach on to a race by breathing it in air per say and then the being acts like a different being…it’s like hiv for instance
And no One understands how the entire neighborhood, is being controlled, tracking a ghost soul or similarly instead grnetix attached soul who are but still here leaves very few traces, but really they too need to also restored to their wholeness and not
split…for balancing all life…not sure if all attached souls with this issue are ghost…
Some seem like they been modified by this n tech
I am very glad to learn that reptilians are able to have deep abstract thought now. Once I heard Corey Goode say that reptilians which they had the chance to observe, were full of nanites and that they were controlled by AI (which is form of thought form and does not have life of its own). This could very much mean that reptilian’s thoughts or mind can no longer be controlled by AI and as a result of this they are able to have deep abstract though. This is amazing.
@jana please read the message from Almine again. She says the Reptilian infiltrator does not have an Inner Space. When a Human has abstracte thinking you know the Reptilian has lefted.
Hi Marlene, thank you for the reply. Amazing insight! I read the post again and I feel the insight in my heart as the ring of truth.
Maybe lost or split spirit and souls trapped
So interesting about the resurrection connection…a loved one (of human nature) in my home had a dream just last week or so, where he had a white owl next to him that he was petting, and he was inside a circle of white lambs! I told him it was a beautiful and auspicious dream. I hadn’t had any mention of a white owl and its meaning for quite a while…such an interesting synchronicity.
I think this is amazing to know, Thank You!! It is miraculous to learn that those who have been under ‘the glamour’ are now being released…may they find peace and strength in their self-sovereignty.
Which power sigil….. Which ceremony, was it our last ceremony for the Evolved Reptilian Brain?…..
Is this Reptilian Infiltrator occurance different from the previously mentioned replacement of world leaders with aliens or are we talking about the same thing here…..I’m really loosing track of all this coded phrases used to describe events.
What’s “coded”? Per the usual, we’re speaking of reptilians that have infiltrated government, military, media, etc. (I’m starting to think I should not share these brief exchanges.)
These updates give us hope Rogier ! It’s just we are looking for clarification on how it occurred, as Alexandra says below…”Is Canada next”. We need a miracle here ! As Alexandra also asks, is it OK to repeat the Reptilian ceremony, while it’s up?” We truly appreciate all you do Rogier!
She also says it would take a lot of work to find out, meaning we don’t have all the answers right now. Yes, ceremony repeats are okay if you do the Belvaspata yourself.
I am so grateful for the wonderful changes that are set in motion to unfold. I can sense that it’s created irritation in people. I assume it’s old “stuff” coming up to be released. Thank you Rogier. I was only kidding about Canada. I’m aware it all will happen in divine timing. I can FEEL that much more strongly now since the ceremony.
Only thing coded is the codons..and this might be researched
I hope you continue to share, many of us do not become confused by these posts
So interesting… I tend to think that those who’s soul has left – which happens after two or three shotts (from what I have observed) they also enter the soul world. I wonder of ghey can be resurrected and come back into their bodies – when the ai is being removed from it.
I’ve witnessed something akin to an infiltration, I’m unsure it if was this kind exactly. While the person’s personality elements remained intact [although they were misused..] their soul and aura were absent. By happenstance I found a way with this person to temporarily interrupt the infiltration. The person said it was a tentacle connected to their neck. When we removed it, their soul and aura returned, as well as the light in their eyes and ability to emotionally connect on a deeper level.
They went into hysterics over their behavior during the infiltration [which implies that memory was somewhat intact but not willpower], then they were back to their old, usual happy self. A couple of days later the infiltration returned and the person’s soul and aura were gone again and they were in denial or amnesia regarding the temporary removal ever happening.
I had a vision regarding sharing this story some day. Thank you for the opportunity. I hope that more people who are infiltrated find their liberation in the coming days.. although I’m a bit fuzzy on the concept of free will in these situations!
So are you saying that they take over the Human soul aspect or enter in on a soul level .. So there must have been an agreement between the two individuals/ individuation on some other microcosmic and macrocosmic level? and If so does this mean that the feminine aspect of the Infinite in its unreal projections have been susceptible to hostile take overs RΓ© alien……….so in a sense the soul aspect of humanity was missing… Instead of a vacuum being created a reptilian stepped in?
I do wonder about the soul aspect of humanity seeing as it only has an inner space as of quite recently hence the Soul Earth and parallel Earth that was created…
I can feel there is so much more threads to this it’s quite deep, I am possibly not articulating what I feel to express here correctly but hope it makes sense to some π
That is my question as well lovely Vanessa.
I am very greatful for the deeper insight into this area, Thankyou beloved Almine π
Yay! Is Canada next? lol! π
Is it okay to listen to the ceremony everyday until/if it gets taken down?