What are the consequences of sending time travelers back from the future to this time?✶ What countries will be doing this?
The Seer:
It pulls future events closer (hastens the future), to name but one result. This happened today in fact.†It’s one of the reasons I’ve had such a hard time predicting the timing of future events. America has sent time travelers back, as has China. I would imagine Russia would too, but I’m not sure (I haven’t actually seen Russia do so prophetically).
✶See: Prevent Infiltration From the Future
†Yesterday; March 14, 2022
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Alexandra Murray says
It’s like they’re picking up where they left off during WWII.
Corrien says
that is my feeling too Alexandra
Jane says
Did they ever leave off?
Corrien says
No they never left for example the Netherlands are under shaef laws and is a corporation no kingdom anymore it stopped at 1940 the Netherlands has a goverment of nazi,s who are here illegal from 1945 .We have bin in a lease contract for 125 jears and this contract ended on 21-7-2021 voiting is not acceptabel under shaef law. there are more europian country,s under Shaef law. So there is no freedom document signed after the second world war.So many country,s in Europa are under Sheaf law and have human rights under UVRM.