Ascension Angelgod 86
As the saying goes, ‘In order to succeed, one must try and try again’. There is no success without many seeming failures. It takes some 18-odd years for a child to grow to adulthood and self-sufficiency. This never takes place without many failures. The problem is getting stuck in the belief that we are defined by our failures. Many parents and children spend a lifetime lamenting the failures of years because we have not been taught that there is no failure.
Take a moment to scan your life and see where you can apply this attitude, then notice the dramatic shift in awareness and the sense of power and freedom it can provide.
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you for this valuable truth! i will work on this today.
Alexandra Murray says
I’ve been thinking about the many seeming failures in my life. Knowing why they had to happen in part. And knowing the future will provide many more opportunities for growth THROUGH inspiration, passion and creativity. The future we are walking into will be nothing like our pasts in terms of the opportunities that will be popping up everywhere…we just need to quieten ourselves and trust they will be there for us.
Dhani says
Alexandra Murray says
Currently sitting here in confusion as to whether Russia is trying to help Ukraine or hurt Ukraine. And no it is not obvious.
Tatiana says
They are hurting us, trust me. I can’t even think of a way they would help… But most Russians (and even some eastern Ukrainians which aren’t really Ukrainians) seem to think they “P***n just wants to help” It reminds me a lot of the VaXx situation with all the “saving against your will”
Ekaterina Kapotova says
I don’t think that most Russians think so, Tatiana.
Tatiana says
Probably, you’re right. It just looks this way because those who think so, really like sharing their opinion on the internet)