Menenich Aresklavavi Hurspreva-Mesetut
The transfiguring of fear and mistrust to surrendered trust
The purification of the etheric pollution of memories and belief systems of suffering
The 6 Angelgods for Israel:
This powersigil is a gift from Iris and our lightfamily in Israel.
Get the sigil here β
The Seer:
The core problem for Israel is the population’s mindset that life is unsafe and that they have to keep fighting for the right to live. As a result, their government has a very destructive ‘black ops’ operation that infiltrates neighboring countries. The light explosion shield of invisibility to ill intent (in Israel’s case, from the neighboring nations) requires that one not perpetrate ill intent oneself towards others. This powersigil addresses these core problems.
Our Israeli lightfamily (and those who wish to assist) should do the light explosion protocol daily around Israel, so that the white light shield can make the country invisible to ill intent .
The Seer’s Notes:
Although one might come to the same conclusions, leading to the same actions, the intent and worldview from which decisions originate, have to be based on ones highest truth in order to avoid karma.
Many make their decisions from fear, and then they reap victimization. Some make the decisions from the desire for acceptance, and then they reap rejection and isolation. But there are those who in surrendered trust, base their decisions on their highest truth and deepest inspiration. These are the truly powerful ones, for their actions are aligned with the force of Infinite Intent.
The Seer Almine
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There are important insights here into governance, which isn’t generally how countries are run. Thus they each reap national karma instead of the wellbeing and dignity of their citizens. Many countries have ‘subjects’ rather than ‘citizens’; most consider their residents as ‘consumers’ that they ‘administer’.
I see that all these countries, and the geological area of Europe – which isn’t made up of countries under one government, but rather an interrelated culture – have in common the presence of several resident OOs. To anchor the theme and influence of the Sigils.
I would think that would be a prerequisite for Almine to receive and draw a Sigil? Although there may be OOs in, say, China or India who are unaware of who they are, unaware that they are part of a body distributed across the globe…
Those of our Lightfamily who have commissioned Sigils are deeply connected to that country or area. They have the unique capacity to foster the Sigil through their awareness and dedication.
Thank you Iris .
Such a beautiful color On the Israel sigil. i made a kind of temple with al the sigils and earth in the middle . with around LPGTH sigils as a statement to heal within and without.
My Deep gratitude and love for this valuble gift from Almine
I feel what is writen here, give rhe strength
to me personaly as well as to Israel
Thank you dear Lightfamily for your beautiful comments and thoughs.
Lets continue cooperate for global welfare
And much gratitude for those who put Israel onΒ daily light explosion protocol
β€ Iris
Hi Rogier. The real number of comments are not showing up in the comment section.
Not sure what you mean… Half the comments were replies.
When I click on “news” it would only show my comment. When I clicked on “home” it would show a few more but not ALL of the comments. When I refreshed it would show the full number of comments but when I clicked on that it would again only show my comment.
But I logged in and now I can view all of them…weird.
Thanks for letting me know!
It’s not working only on Firefox browser. Other browsers are okay. Sorry.
It works fine on Firefox for me. Maybe you need to refresh the page.
Okay thanks.
What a Gift to receive. Much Love Praise and Gratitude to you Iris and the Lightfamily living there. It is truly a Very Powerful Power Sigil. I will gladly do the Light Explosions for Israel. Thank You dear Almine and Rogier.
Thank you Mieke β€ and for joining the light explosion very nice, appreciated
Wonderful green. Thank you dearest Almine and Iris for this request. π
This is a very powerful Sigel of Power,… I am deeply greatful for this sacred gift… Thankyou so much Iris… Infinite blessings bestowed upon you and the light family and Israel.
I felt pain in my heart chackra the moment I looked at it
“Their government has a very destructive ‘black ops’ operation that infiltrates neighboring countries.” – I wonder if these are the people who pretend to be jewish (The kazarian mafia)
Yes i read, Nazis that infiltrated to Israel after 2nd WW, as well as SS secretaries disguised as jewish
That would explain how they got everyone in Israel to fall for the man dates. I have commented to folks here who are using the yellow star as a sign of their victimhood under the mdts. I said to them that I found this offensive – we are not victims. I think they have heard. We cannot bring back the old dreams. So much gratitude to You Iris. Thank You Beloved Almine for this. I am also wondering if anyone has requested a PS for China?