The Sigil of Inclusiveness
The Original Ones’ destiny is to alleviate the suffering of man and to assist with the evolution of life on Earth into spiritual maturity by living their lives in a wholesome way as a proxy for all life on Earth (including the Hidden Realms). But they have only been empowered to wield influence on one-half of life on Earth. In other words, the Original Ones have been using only half of their power. This gift of grace of the Original Ones being received by only half of life on Earth has caused an imbalance and a conflict within the planetary Inner Space; within the etheric body of the Earth. This sigil deals with the crux of the problem in order to restore the balance and fully empower the Original Ones.Β
Has our exit from the tunnel of karmaβ΄ anything to do with the sudden increase of the Lightfamily doing prayer and ceremony for their countries of residence?
The Seer:
To my amazement the impact from the Lightfamily’s contribution was absolutely huge! In addition, the requested powersigils for the different geographic areas, made a significant difference. The Sigil of inclusiveness which aimed at acknowledging the balancing role of demons to embody the chaos, made a very important contribution in restoring planetary balance.
Get the free powersigils on the Diary β
Get the powersigils on the Original Ones store β
β΄See: Some Good News
β See: Increased Influence of the Original Ones Through Inclusiveness
Wahoo ! I did hear something to this effect in my meditation a few days ago so thank you Beloved Almine for the confirmation.
This is thrilling !
Hi Rogier, question, when Almines speaks of the OO is it the first 144 or the 144,000? I wonder wich we are sometimes and the difference and significance of the groups. My intuition says that we are the 144 and by proxy we affect the 144, 000 and humanity. Would love you take or Almines on this.
I sometimes wondered about this too. As far as I can recall, we came in three ‘waves’ or ‘breaths’ (I can’t remember how exactly it was described), in quick succession. I think we must be more than 144. When we were receiving our Personal Sound Elixirs, in 2009, Almine said the first 144 would be the recipients, this I remember clearly.
Hello Miriam, Thanks for you response. I remember in a teaching Almine explained that in the begining the infinite formed 144 gods from them sprouted 1440 goods, from them sprouted 144, 000 gods and from them formed humanity. Because the 144 were the originals where all beings were formed from by proxy they affects the other Gods and humanity. This is why Ive assumed we are the 144.
Yes, well, that makes sense.
I believe all, but that the primary focus is the 1440. But will ask if I get the chance.
Hi Rogier,
Thanks for your response. Yes, please do if you get a chance that would
Be great. Love and blessing to you my brother ππΎ
Beautiful LPGTH
WOW!! This is tremendous! Thank you for sharing this wonderful news with us.
Wow. Amazing
Excellent work beautiful light family!!!