The Seer’s Notes
There has been more value placed on life lived from inner motivation, from Inner Space, than the shallow experience of life lived only as an outer experience. This priority is misplaced.
For hundreds of years, the age of reason has been dominating and the human experience consequently became increasingly materialistic; lived from Outer Space.
There is usually a price to pay when one pole of a dual pair is accentuated more than the other pole. In the age of the dominance of reason, the inner reality of humanity atrophied and shrank. His soul participated less and less in his material experience. More and more of man’s soul force left for the soul world. From the soul world’s perspective these partial souls seemed like ghosts of the living walking around in the world of the dead.
The outer reality cannot be successfully lived without integrating it with the inner reality and vice versa. Nether one of these two realities can be lived to the exclusion of the other.
The Age of The Emotional Ascent
The relevance of the Seers notes on Inner and Outer realities, for the times of present chaos.
But was it not so that man didn’t have an inner space to begin with? And has only started to form one recently?
The Seer:
That is correct: man was created as a mirror image of the gods and as such was initially created without a soul component.
‘Recently’ is a relative term. The golden age of Greek philosophers was a time when man through studying himself in the mirror of human behavior, started to develop an internal infrastructure, a soul.
In other words, because the backwards images in the mirror were giving an inaccurate reflection, a second mirror was needed — a mirror within the mirror. This would reverse the reversed reflection and therefore give an accurate reflection. Man started forming a soul, and himself became the origin of the mirrored environment. So yes, man getting an Inner space, the domain of the soul, is a relatively new experience.
The material age, the accentuation of the external environment, dominated until the end of 2019. Since then, reason was set aside and man became driven by emotions and instinctual promptings.✴ We had entered the age of the emotional ascent and the descent of reason.
The resulting chaotic emotional reactions globally, have become destructive because they have been ungoverned by reason. Experience makes it clear that reason (the tool of light) and emotion (the tool of frequency) have to be integrated rather than being in competition with each other.
Light and love are locked in an eternal love affaire. Their union is one of mutual support and indivisible cooperation. From the dance between inner and outer, between body and soul, the vitality that sustains all life, arises like a life-giving fountain of vitality.
The Seer Almine
See: The Descent of Light
Anna says
It sounds like Man became more “real” by developing a soul an inner mirror, and an inner space? Is that correct? Or is this just a more accurate mirror of the gods expression of Infinite Source? I wonder what this says about the symbiotic relationship between the gods and humanity? I think they (humanity)have become closer in expressing the gods, perhaps.
Ciara Young says
It’s an interesting nuance to contemplate on that inner life cannot be successfully lived without integrating it with outer, I haven’t though of it like that before.
Belvaspata Healing of Oneness Book-Black Cumin – Insight!
Alexandra Murray says
I’m slowing down as I’m reading this and WOW! The insights within this!.
Joanne Harding says
Wow! So timely! Thank you Rogier and Almine.
Alexandra Murray says
So through out the coming years, life on earth is going to balance itself out in this way. I sincerely hope the financial system won’t crash altogether or too quickly so a more incorruptible one has time to replace the old imbalanced one.
Dhani says
Wow!! This is an amazing explanation. This is the most complete picture I have seen yet. Thank you dearest Almine!!