Ascension Angelgod 82
Some attitudes may seem daunting and self-acceptance can too easily be tossed aside for what seems like higher work. Self-acceptance has become somewhat trite, when in truth it is paramount to all holy work. To practice the attitude of self-acceptance we must recognize that we all have issues to confront at any given time. If not, it will create difficulty in accepting not only others, but also ourselves. A lack of self-acceptance sets up barriers to growth and inspiration. Failure is an opportunity to grow larger into our true self and gain the attitude of Self Acceptance.
I have been working on this since last Tuesday when to my absolute horror…. my neighbour cut down a big old Sycamore Tree. I cried. My thoughts & emotions flowed at a fast rate ending with a continuous work of Unconditional acceptance & forgiveness to self & to my neighbour. But was (not as before) totally devasted when he had the enormous old Ash Tree completely cut down also. More tears. I so dearly loved & connected to these Trees every day whilst living in this rented house for nearly 13 years. Watched & loved their ever changing seasons, danced with them when the wind blew etc, gave such daily Gratitude to them (& all else surrounding them) for their incredible beauty etc. Been sending & infusing healing into all the areas affected by this devastation & to Mother Earth & my own self. Yesterday I had a brief opportunity to ask my neighbour (he was passing as quite a few branches had fallen into/at the end of my back garden) why he cut these beautiful trees down, his reply… “Firewood, & why not? Then got defensive with a …. its on my side. So tell me why not” I responded with a…. No answer & closed the door, to which he walked away in a huff. A few years ago he was wanting to cut these down & more & I objected big time & also with/to my landlord – with many questions as to why he would need too ie. did he not see their beauty, their aliveness, non were infringing or harming his property in any way etc. etc. He has since thrown over the wall into a field next door… branches even 5 foot in length & just kept the bigger logs! Still working on my own part with what has been presented here.
Thank you Rogier and team for your dedication. Thank you Almine for these words. We are grateful for these almost daily post. Much love and gratitude.
I could swear I felt Almine in my high heart last night out of “nowhere”. I felt a sudden feeling of what could be described as a strong, trusting confidence. It just felt like….she was with me in that eternal moment. I haven’t been feeling confident or trusting barely at all for quite some time now and then last night it was so…obvious as a feeling. I love you Almine XO!
Oh…lol…I was just going through this myself….:D
I was being hard on myself for missed opportunities. But, that is not accepting self limitations, and how missed opportunities are presented as learning opportunities and self growth opportunities. Only when I accepted, that I am unable to see something at times (or issues) then only I can go on with the learning.
I needed to hear this.
Me too….
💛 💚 💛