What makes The Awakening of Intuitive Abilities, ‘Rosecrucian’ (or ‘Rosicrucian’)?†We were asked about this, and I explained that these teachings were fully sourced by you, and have nothing to do with the AMORC organization,‡ but wasn’t sure beyond that.
The Seer Almine:
The cooperation with angelic revelations produced the first alchemy used by the first alchemists. This alliance also introduced the more abstract alchemy of the potencies of light and frequency.
And when you say ‘Rosecrucian’, you are referring to these original alchemists?
The Seer:
†Or, for example, the Alchemical Sound Healing album
‡Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
I have expressed some concerns when I fell on such words or expressions like ” Rosicrucian, Reptilian brain, Illuminati” on the Seer’s books or works. I have been asking myself:’ Are those related to the earthly men groups or organizations.
Thanks to both Seer Almine and Rogier to bring this into clarification
Wonder what insights Almine is revealing behind our current situation. I’m very worried for the children.
Thank you for this insight.