In the upcoming, upgraded The Awakening of Intuitive Abilities†, can I confirm that the Symbols to Bring Balance to the Female Cycles are indeed symbols and not sigils? And are the Angels now Angelgods?
The Seer:
The sigils that represent the weekly Angels — these have been upgraded to Angelgods — are exactly as they should be. They have been upgraded in their power to represent Angelgods, but they still have the same form.
The other set of ‘symbols’ need to be better understood, but they are indeed symbols rather than sigils and perfect as they are. As individual symbols, they don’t have a function to perform (hence not sigils), but they represent something; they are symbolic of something.
In this particular case, all 52 symbols written in succession, all symbols combined, form a sigil that contains the power to effect beneficial change and bring balance to the female cycles. The combined symbols can be placed as a power object under a mattress or a bed. They can be pasted under the seat of a chair, for instance.
The Seer Almine
†This Rosecrucian protocol was originally included in the first edition of The Restoration of the Intuitive Nature and its upgrade will be published separately in August, 2021.
Hi dear Rogier, just to clarify, is this yet another upgraded version? As didn’t we receive an upgrade recently?
The 2nd edition of ‘Intuitive Nature’ doesn’t include this Rosecrucian protocol – which was only recently upgraded and will be published separately.
Oh I see, fantastic! I wondered if that had just been scrapped completely (I have the really old version from years ago), fantastic that we’ll have it! A small idea (well probably not small to implement, but anyway…), it would be awesome if there an index somewhere of where different sets of principles, protocols etc. are available (ie. in such and such course, webinar, whatever) for us to be able to recommend to others to purchase a particular thing for its content. I have a rough record myself, but there are loads of things I can’t place the origin of and would love to be able to tell a client or whatever to just go and purchase a particular item. I know this was a project that was started years ago, it would just seem timely now being that we have barely scratched the surface of the materials and there is so much “lost” somewhere in the massive back-catalog. Maybe heads could be put together to achieve such a thing, so it’s not all falling on one person.
Greatful to hear this news.
So is there another upgrade of bvp intuitive nature coming again August 2021?
We already received new upgraded wheels for this recently are these symbols to be added?
This protocol will be published separately.
So eager for the release of upgraded Awakening of Intuitive Abilities!!
female menstrual cycles??