The Seer:
It is true that peace begins in the home. Some nations are more warlike and conquest oriented than others. The origins of these tendencies can be found in the relationship between spouses. The unexpressed or subversive anger of one spouse towards the other, becomes acted out on a geopolitical scale. For instance:
There is imbalance in relationships when one spouse is expected to serve the other without reciprocity. In some nations, women have a “Queen Bee” attitude that expects men to serve and fulfill their needs. In others, women are seen as servants to their partners and their families.
These attitudes are passed down from generation to generation and play themselves out in our attitudes towards others.
A culture that has survived for a very long time (60,000 years), is the Australian Aboriginal culture. The men and women have a very balanced relationship within their original hunter/gatherer social state: they both have designated roles in providing for the family units. During the days, the respective groups are actively engaged in serving and providing for the family unit. Their success and experiences are shared around the fire at night. This is also a time when the young are educated through stories, which fosters a sense of belonging and builds an attitude of responsibility towards the tribe.
The balance between giving and receiving is maintained in this way — which, in turn, creates a balanced relationship with the Earth and a responsible awareness of future generations to come.
The Seer Almine
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Wonderful. Thank you Almine. Thank you Rogier.
Thank you for this Almine, and Rogier for posting Xx 🌺