The Seer:
There's a fine line between not dwelling on the tragedy of humanity's self-destructiveness and having a lack of compassion. This issue becomes particularly prevalent as our spiritual evolution causes us to become more and more empathic; increasingly able to feel the overwhelming suffering of others.
This increased empathic understanding produces two challenges:
- The overwhelming experience of others' pain makes us retreat — either by becoming physically reclusive, or by shutting down our empathy.
- Understanding the cracks and fissures in the psyche of others, can create leniency towards their unacceptable behavior. In other words, knowing where they're coming from, makes what they do seem okay — even when it's not.
The masterful way to meet these challenges:
If the interaction with others leaves you feeling drained; if leaving the sanctity of your home makes you feel as though you're experiencing a culture shock, your intake needs to be balanced with what you output. I found that if I'm in a giving role (teaching, making life more beautiful or easy for another, etc.), it prevents the discomfort of absorbing the confused thoughts, negative feelings and hidden agendas of others. This contact provides me with lessons and insights, and leaves them with some benefit or another. Make sure to leave lots of time for reflection on what lessons you've learnt from contact with others.
A Lower Reality Is a Mirror Image of a Higher Reality
I have long been astonished at the hostility I provoke in others. Their critical and ungracious actions towards me made me wonder why I had such a polarizing effect. This phenomenon seemed to increase as I progressed along the unfoldment of my spiritual life.
Here's why you may be experiencing this too — this feeling that others are irritated by you and would rather be elsewhere. Reality lies in layers of density superimposed over each other. Very few are at the high level you are. A lower reality is a mirror image (a reflection) of a higher reality. In other words: like all mirror images, it reflects the real thing in a backwards way which makes it antagonistic to that which is being reflected. If you are able to find the few that are in your high reality, the attitudes of love, praise and gratitude will be extended to you (adoration in action).
Because you have evolved beyond the masses, most will therefore avoid or attack you. Understand where they're coming from, but refuse to put up with their hostility. Remember: accepting the unacceptable is not saintly, it is dysfunctional.
The Seer Almine
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Bas Waaijer says
Felt like a direct answer to something I've been pondering as of late.
And it is still tricky for me to figure what behaviour is acceptable from other humans and what isn't. They simply do not have the template and/or ability to see through dysfunctional behaviour like a OO does. Does an adult blame a child for acting like one?
Also the dislike for a being that is very correct and truthful intuitively makes sense. When one sees someone who has personal aspects in order where you do not, it is a constant reminder of your own dysfunctionality. An OO would use an opportunity like that to learn, but most humans do not feel compelled to do that. So instead they're stuck being constantly confronted and reminded by a person who'm they know is displaying proper behaviour. Are most humans even capable of seeing this and changing their attitude?
Anyways, thank you, and Rogier 🙏
Alex Murray says
Very helpful for the time being Almine. Thank you!
Ciara Young says
This is a very interesting discussion, and so very synchronistic, as I was just bouncing some contemplations around this off a loved one last night to try to get a bit more clarity on an aspect of this myself, and how to proceed appropriately going forward.
I have found too (obviously in a totally different way to Almine) that being in a given role of some kind ameliorates the otherwise sometimes unpleasant side-effects of dealing with others (even other OO's, awakened or otherwise, at times), but my question then was – is this the way all interactions with others need to be, without exception?
It would seem then that it is never possible to be in anything other than the giving role, and my self-enquiry yesterday was whether or not the choice to do that is a self-directed masterful one, or if the "role" is some kind of coping mechanism – I was leaning towards the former and it felt more like truth, but still wasn't entirely sure.
I am very grateful for this divinely-gifted clarification and elaboration today, it is a prayer answered.
Ciara Young says
*giving role…
Dhani says
OH thank you so much for this Almine. I have been wondering about it….
On the other hand, on this high spiritual plane I am also receiving lots and lots of lovely assistance. 🙂