Recently, a talk show host — whom I shan’t dignify by naming — called Americans, “a silly people”. He compared them unfavorably to the “serious nature” of the Chinese people.
The Disrupter, or Sacred Clown, is a subpersonality found on the front-to-back axis. Its function is the promoting of graceful change by embracing it.
And yes, it may be said that in the tribe of global nations, Americans could be called lighthearted, humorous and silly. But before we get too judgemental in classifying other nations, we need to realize that just as with people (such as families or groups of workers, etc.), subpersonalities† are naturally represented in groups or nations, as they provide the infrastructure that gives cohesive stability to tribes.
“When we dismiss the playful silly parts of ourselves as frivolous, and focus instead on deep metaphysical insights in the name of spiritual growth only, we manifest unpleasant results. Even though we may have forgotten how to be childlike and to innocently play, if it is present within, it is authentic. To deny its expression, is to manifest the scar tissue of distorted illusion in our environment to take its place.”
The Seer
“It is within your palette of expression to be silly, or funny, or playful, or childlike. If it were not, these expressions would not be mirrored in the unreal world around you which has been created as the mirror in which you find yourself.”
Coming Home to Yourself
The Seer Almine
In the next part of this discussion, the Seer will explain the function of Subpersonalities. The study and exploration of the subpersonalities has previously been called by her, “the destiny of the tribe of man” to understand. She has said that for this reason the planet Earth has the most diversity in racial and national groups of any inhabited planet.
†Click here for a review of the subpersonalities encountered during our many years of studying the psyche of man.
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Rogier, I wonder if you know how the 4 subpersonalities match up with the other 8 … what I mean by match up, is for example, The Inner Babe matches up with The Inner child, the Inner Sage matches up with High Mind, the Inner Adventurer matches up with the Inner Warrior, etc. Has Almine mentioned how the new 4 correspond with the other 8, or do they? I am aware the 4 proactive join with the 4 receptive on the vertical and horizontal axis, and since the new 4 are the neutral component it isn’t so easy to see how they co-join to “match” the other 8….Thank you if you know. 🙂
Thank you for this insightful post
Hahahaahaa……it’s great to be silly sometimes!