Light and Body combined is incorruptible and eternal…
The Seer Almine
With the Seer’s new revelations on the polarity shift within the nature of matter, our lightsister Moana suggested we play for you the Seer’s transmission, A Conspiracy of Frequency and Energy (2009).
In this, the Seer describes how the True God (Light) and the True Goddess (Matter) manipulated and clustered the awareness particles to create surrogates of each other, while beholden to the illusion of their mutual separation.
Thanks to Betty for the transcription.
A Conspiracy of Frequency and Energy
… and thus it was: when for a brief moment, that felt like eons of time, the masculine imagined itself to be separate from its feminine. It created its fake feminine and placed it upon its throne. Light was… and could not find its feminine, and thus it created emotion (frequency of which the soul is comprised). The soul is the light’s fake feminine. It has usurped the power. “Follow the heart”, we have said… “above all else, follow the heart”, and: “the heart shall guide you”. A secondary creation, unreal, made by light… it cannot guide us and it has caused us to find ropes that bind we call “love”, for it is based on desire:
- Desire to hold
- Desire to belong to
- Desire to own
- Desire to include
- Desire to benefit
- Desire to make better
- Desire to bring happiness or get happiness
All these things we call “love”. They are counterfeit feminine.
The real feminine of light β its true partner β is matter. But even matter, being subjected to the fake feminine, has become tainted by the tyranny of heart. “If I stop beating, you die”, said the heart, and the body believed it. “Blood is necessary to live”, says the heart. And blood is love; it flows through the body and controls its well-being. All these illusions… now let go. Let us wrap up the 144 Tones of the Joints into an equation.
That which is opposite can never be created by that which it is opposite of. Frequency cannot be the opposite of light, if it was, in fact, created by light. Light’s opposite is matter; matter is its bride… and its counterpart. Matter β not finding its own masculine β created for itself a masculine, called “energy”. It thought it was its counterpart and thus the etheric realms formed, hiding much of the beautiful creatures of creation. But this is not its opposite and because these fake masculine and feminine components were created as an external creation, they are mirrors and mirrors are non-life-enhancing. They are opposite, but also backwards. They bring opposition and are non-life-enhancing to that which created them. Thus the soul has fed upon light and frequency has bound our luminosity, and the body β wanting more energy β gives and gives of itself, to produce more energy.
Much of what we have thought would benefit the body, we have created to produce more energy. Taking supplements, etc. The more energy we produced, the weaker the body became, for it fed on our flesh. And thus it is, that not having a life of their own, frequency and energy have fed upon light and matter. And an anomaly arose. Most of what we think of as ‘life’ is the creation of these imposters. We have seen that thought and frequency have created, by acting upon the awareness particles and clustering them into the realities of our life. But, the awareness particles themselves, have been imposters, for they have consisted of light and frequency.
It is time. All that we are seeking to do now is to bring the physical to the high level in which our light bodies have reached. Our light has ascended… now let our bodies do likewise. It is through letting go of the guilt, of the shame, of the self-loathing… for this has been giving us messages by the energy in our bodies. For the more the body wanes, the more the energy grows and thus a conspiracy has arisen between the feminine frequency and the masculine energy, keeping the true god and goddess (the light and the matter of the body) in bondage. Let us acknowledge this and let it go… Light and body… is it time to rejoin them? Well, they only thought they were separate… they have never been separate and their external creations fostered this memory loss and misbelief. Remember, beloved ones, remember… for light and body combined is incorruptible and eternal.
π¦ This cutting-edge metaphysics is brought to you by the patrons of the Original Ones and the supporters of the Seer Almine β€οΈ Thank you; we couldn't do it without you π Learn more β
Many years ago I experienced, lucidly, being as vast as the cosmos. I saw the interconnectedness of all that is, it was in a sense darkness lit from within – lit by these particles. Speaking of light and matter being together, I understand.
However, a few weeks ago I encountered a different darkness. It felt as if it were undoing me, and the darkness had no light in it. I thought i was being undone, like an erasure more than a death, and until I considered I was watching it happen.
I felt very much diminished by the experience, and with intention focused on my eternal source being to bring myself back to me. Then I encountered the darkness again and saw where my own belief that I was unworthy allowed it to engage with me, forming to me like water around grains of sand, and through much suffering did it show me I was worthy by trying to show me I was not.
It brings great power to acknowledge the illusion of it all. I am grateful for the understanding that I truly am complete.
Thank you Almine π
Oh, I have a question that just popped in my head and it doesnβt make too much sense, but here it is:
Question: Belvaspata works with light and frequency. We know that this modality is constantly upgraded by the Infinite in perfect timing to match our evolution in consciousness. Is it somehow possible that Belvaspata at some point in the future – and specially due to the changes in physics some days ago, will be replacing the frequency component so it can work with light and matter directly?
This is so superb, words fail me to describe the relief I feel to read this confirmation. Since the silent retreat a week ago Iβve sensed big changes within my Feminine and Masculine… and here they are, word for word. Thank you so, so much Rogier & Almine π€π₯
Important to note here that with the current change in matter – becoming light. The masculine and true feminine are combining, becoming androgynous. Can we ask Almine about this androgeny, if it’s true now? Thanks.
Of course, this will affect us as we live it as much as we can.
Also, the current Awareness particle (there is only one) is truly incorruptible.
Oh lovely. Thank you Moana! This is what I have been musing this past week as well. Well done all!
*sigh*….May the return of this gift be ours with grace and trust π
Thank you so much for this reminder…it brings a huge smile!ππΉβ¨ππ«
Brilliant brilliant and timely reminder, thank you so much! So many of us have been working on “body stuff” this year that has felt like the remnants of this giant illusion, and that seems to go round and round and round forever with no end in sight so long as you believe the illusion on any level. It’s fantastic to have the reframe just to “wake up” from the dream of this and it goes way.
Also absolutely everything shared here recently has been amazingly synchronous… have also been contemplating a lot over the last few weeks how it’s nearly impossible to explain the concept of “following the path with heart” (as Almine consistently re-iterates as something we should do) in its true sense to anybody who hasn’t been studying this work. It is a truth to live, but “not like that” (as in if you mistake the voice of emotion for the true Song of the Heart it will lead to big problems). It seems that only after years of working with all the alchemical tools that gradually peel away these layers and layers of matrices is it really possible to live that statement as our whole life without any obstruction, as I am finding myself this year with the newly emerging capacity to really “land” in true essence of what it means a wholly embodied experience.
Also absolutely everything shared here recently has been amazingly synchronous… have also been contemplating a lot over the last few weeks how it’s nearly impossible to explain the concept of “following the path with heart” (as Almine consistently re-iterates as something we should do) in its true sense to anybody who hasn’t been studying this work. It is a truth to live, but “not like that” (as in if you mistake the voice of emotion for the true Song of the Heart it will lead to big problems). It seems that only after years of working with all the alchemical tools that gradually peel away these layers and layers of matrices is it really possible to live that statement as our whole life without any obstruction, as I am finding myself this year with the newly emerging capacity to really “land” in the true essence of what it means as a wholly embodied experience.
This is disturbing but brilliant insight from Almine!
I am very greatful for the reminder, I choose to remember fully.
I hope it’s OK, I have had this photo of my legs for some years now, I took this photo years ago standing at the ocean I think it was I was deciding to go for a swim, my feet are in the water, the rest of skin seemed to be of light? I wonder if Almine could clarify?