It’s currently undecided what, if anything, will be created for the new Timemap. To be sure, there will inevitably be a new time phase that could be mapped out, or represented somehow, but it’s not clear whether the Seer will be doing so. My understanding, based on a recent conversation with her, is that:
- The nature of this new phase is thus that it would probably not be suited to a 2-dimensional representation as with the previous Timemaps. (That is, if the Seer was going to attempt to chart its time currents.)
- This phase will last 300 days and goes into effect January 1st, 2021.
- It follows then that this new phase does not begin when the current map ends (October 31, 2020).
When I asked how to, in light of this, approach the two months (November and December) in-between the current and next time phase, the Seer stated that this period will shape the upcoming 300 days (January 1 – October 27). At the time of writing, it’s not entirely clear *what* the texture of this intermittent time zone is, but it does seem that it will very much influence the new year.
Three Days of Silence (November 1-3, 2020)
Isabella says
Wow, thank you so much for this information! ❤ I’ve been feeling that the New Year this time will be starting on Jamuary 1st (and not in February), and that the new time phase will be 3-dimensional (or more), so to speak, …and it strongly feels to me as if November-December is going to be a period of ‘Days out of Time’ or something like this. ❤ Exciting times!
Marina says
Rogier, I have one more question about time map. Could you please to clarify what we should do with Expired Time maps. Should we keep them or with Gratitude dissolve by fire?
Thank you so much
Sara Roshan says
Thank you Rogier and I fully resonate with Three Days of Silence. I will join others in doing so. Possibly rest in wholesome living and quiet time much more these two months.
Anna says
I am having (and have been having) strong currents of inspiration and enthusiasm or it could be strong optimism as if all the de-structuring that has been taking place this year (for example in the “mind” as decentralized living) is sprouting new delicate growth of deep roots. It requires my full participation and “love” power in cultivating its growth so it will bring a fresh and new world…I am leaving many things behind that don’t “fit-in” my life anymore. It just feels “promising” to let things go!
Holly says
Wow. My initial feeling is November & December are 2 months of “Days out of Time”. Days where we leverage the ultimate equation through living our highest truth to our best ability in each moment. HUGE. MONUMENTAL.
Isabella says
wow, thank you for sharing! that’s what I’m feeling too! ❤
Marina says
Thank you so much Rogier for updates about time map. Now I understood my feelings about it more.
Dhani says
Okay then, let’s stay positive and dream the beautiful reality into being. Thank you for this very timely information.