From the Seer's Private Journal
Prophecy #8
“… in the year of the comet, chaos will come and the weak-minded shall wreak havoc. That which is beautiful, they shall destroy and the good deeds of a few shall be esteemed as naught. Men shall run to and fro seeking comfort where there is none. And the comet†shall seem harmless but it is not what it seems… beware emotions and thoughts that are not your own. For many seek control of the minds of man and pander to their destructive rage for their own agendas…”
Previous: Bitterness and Rage
this prophesy I also heard many years ago.
It is exactly now as told and the outcome……..we will witness.
Strong people are we and I am glad to call myself now strong.
I never told this to anyone –but……here I am at peace.
In gratitude.
I was wondering if these very unwell undividuals were up to their old tricks. Except this time around the game has changed and fortunately not in their favor. Tremendous gratitude to all of our light family and to the ever graciously powerful Angel Gods!