Rogier, are you able to include John Denver’s performance of Rocky Mountain High? There’s a lovely nature video on YouTube that goes with the audio… ~Almine
From the Seer's Private Journal
Prophecy #16
“And bitterness and rage shall fill the hearts of many, and they shall rage in the streets of the cities of man. And the Earth shall groan under their feet. But in their rage and self-pity they shall perish and the desolating scourge shall not pass them by.”
“Through the poetry of the mind and the inspiration awakened in the heart by nature’s beauty, shall the doors of the body be closed to its†ravages and the harmony of the Song of the Self shall be restored…”
†The ‘desolating scourge’ AKA the pandemic.

Heard something that he is still alive like some other celebrities and they will soon be back on stage …?
Dissatisfaction also from those who have so much! Dissatisfaction from those who have little. Dissatisfaction also from those who have the religious power. And now? Dissatisfaction that we have Covid! I feel that it is time for being quiet and change our Dissatisfaction. Have told my adult children that they have to change. Perhaps they did understand – I hope so. If not — and I know that I am much happier now.
In gratitude dear Almine.
“Transforming Anger Into Gratitude” – Isn’t that beautiful. LPGT
Reminds me that I met John Denver once (in memory) before he was famous. Was playing guitar and singing various tunes of the day on the boardwalk in the picturesque coastal town of Mendocino, CA. He came up after a few songs and he talked to me about show business and some of his experiences with it 🙂 When I listen to the words of this song he is talking about a character that was “born in the summer of his 27th year, coming home to a place he’d never been before. He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again…” He must have been around 27 at the time because I was getting near 20 and he’s 7 or 8 years older, so…. By the way, he was actually the only one in the audience 🙂
Richard: thanks for sharing your wonderful, personal story! Like many, I’ve loved his music + had the pleasure of seeing him in concert decades ago in Toronto.
I’ve watched numerous videos of his music on YouTube yet of course Almine chose a spectacular one with so many gorgeous nature phots that fill me with awe, calmness, inspiration and peace!
Also as Sara & others commented, Almine’s powerful sigil is beautiful & hopeful.
This ‘reminds’ me of the story of Passover- I believe it is in the Old Testament, although-the ‘story’ has (now) raised in frequency (much like other ‘stories’)….
thank you for the Sigil. So moved by this prophecy and music; I have always loved John Denver’s music.
I am so grateful for this wheel/sigil.
Thank you beloved Almine and thank you Rogier.
Thank you.
I am so moved by this…………with gratitude and praise to the perfection unfolding…….
So profound and uplifting! To restore the song of self. Thank you Almine!💜💜💜