The Seer recounts the miraculous experience of being teleported to the Angelic abode in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Continue reading →
The Quest for Freedom (Elvuras Chapter 4)
To regain our freedom one step at a time, has to start from within. Continue reading →
Heightened Magic and the Horrors
For reasons I shall explain, the Dark Ages had both heightened magic and the horrors you have questioned. Continue reading →
The Beneficial Effects of Doing Proxy Magic
Proxy magic, or being a conduit for an external energy source, energizes, youthens and increases consciousness. Continue reading →
The Secret of a Happy Life
Login to download chapter 3 of The Scroll of Elvuras. Continue reading →
To Seal Encroachment From Beings of the Underworld
The Menerech is a device to seal encroachment from beings of the underworld into the world of man. Continue reading →