Resurrection Into the Realms of Magic
Last Sunday Mass
January 26, 2025
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Why has an ascension of frequency historically not manifested as the ‘height of magic’, but rather as the horrors of the dark ages?
The Seer:
For reasons I shall explain, the Dark Ages had both heightened magic and the horrors you have questioned. During that period of man’s history reason was mostly absent. But the great equalizing law of compensation decrees that for every loss, there has to be something gained. As man lost his inclination to reason away the increased gifts of magical sight, he gained the ability to see and interact with the mystical creatures of the Hidden Realms. This is not part of recorded history because the tyrannical religions of the time persecuted those with extra-sensory gifts; branding them as heretics.
Institutions have been condemning what they cannot control and thus these increased magical abilities were kept secret. One of the methods used to deflect attention away from man’s increased magical abilities, was to place the populace in survival mode through war or famine and poverty (the horrors of the dark ages).
Oh boy. How diabolical. Let us change ourselves, and by proxy bringing a more graceful outcome for all on this planet.