The Seer found an ancestral spirit in her home that came with a warning. Continue reading →
The Powersigil to Protect Against the Invasion of Nanotechnology
The Seer just completed The Powersigil to Protect Against the Invasion of Nanotechnology Into the Body.
The Sigil to Stem the Damage of Vaccinations
Please be aware that the COVID vaccines, unlike the traditional kind, do not rely on the principle of inoculation.
In February, they’ll start the rumor that COVID-21 is in full swing and is more deadly than COVID-19.
The COVID Vaccine Agenda
This is the first time, that I know of, in which a nanotechnology chip — so small that it can only be detected with an electron microscope — is placed in vaccines or on the cotton swab used in testing for COVID.
The Key to Avoiding The Nanotechnology Invasion
I have for some years been speaking about a time to come (which is now) when a nanotechnology chip will be used to control populations’ behavior, longevity, and decisions.