We now circle back to the question of the sanctuary, and find that the balancing of the subpersonalities — representing stage 4 of relationship — is the precursor to successful and evolved communal living. Continue reading →
A Fireside For the Lightfamily
Ronni just sent us a home recording of Almine’s Good Friday fireside. The Seer is reading from Coming Home to Yourself, the handbook for wholesome living. This book of inspiration comes highly recommended during times of societal array, chaos and high anxiety. Get it here→ Continue reading →
Vulnerable to Viral Invasion
There have been two main reasons why thriving civilizations, such as the Aztecs or Mayans or Inca — to name a few comparatively recent ones — have been wiped out. Firstly, drought or contamination of water sources. Secondly, rampant viruses against which there was no immunity. Continue reading →