How can this world, and the Underworld, live next to each other in respect and peace? Continue reading →
The Black Magic of the Lower Underworld
The lower subconscious is where failure in our lives originates from. It gets its way by blocking other avenues that lead to success. Continue reading →
We Have to Let Them Go
I was inspired by a personal instruction from the Beloved Seer to record a message for supporters of this platform.
The Luciferian Hosts : A Primer
With the recent talk of The Third, I found myself putting together a primer on the matter, just so as to have this information in one place. Continue reading →
Stop Being So Silly
The demons in the Lower Underworld embodied some of their bitterness, self-pity, self-importance — whatever they had, those demons… embodied it, so they could step free. Continue reading →
Resistance Due to Lack of Trust
Some of the trauma of these events is as yet unresolved. If not resolved, it can create a planetary disaster. Continue reading →