In the darkest ally where men hide their vices and desperate women ply their wares, there too you can find God. Continue reading →
Demosthenes : Set the Minds of Your Children Free
During the night I had a visit from a spirit being who introduced himself as Demosthenes. Continue reading →
How to Raise a Child in a Crumbling Society
When a child turns 18, many parents, exhausted from child rearing, believe that they can turn the young person loose to find their own way. There isn’t enough of a transition between high school and being thrust into adulthood, to just back off on parenting. Continue reading →
How to Balance Racial Tensions
True humility doesn’t mean that we believe we are less than another, but rather pertains to acknowledging that we can, from our limited vantage point, know nothing. Continue reading →
The White Race Represents the Northern Direction
Every race has great gifts to give and if blindly attacked because of racial intolerance, the racial gifts become lost in an attempt to eliminate the folly. This impoverishes mankind as a whole. Continue reading →
Such an Explosive Topic
Gosh, racialism is such an explosive topic lately, it seems that to call anyone anything at all, is regarded as an insult. I hope our Lightfamily takes the information about the races in the spirit in which it was given. Continue reading →